
    Goanetter Francis Rodrigues (Vasco/Toronto) book launch in
London, England @ the World Goa Day festivities on 15 Aug at 7pm
              Details http://www.konkanisongbook.com


I wonder when the saying,'Baile-k gutth sangonaka, rai-ak fott
marinaka, choganchem utor moddinaka' was coined.  What do you think
this saying says about Goan society, dear GN-ers? Do you think it
still holds good? Would following this advice lead to less grief for
poor Goan husbands?

Jest asking ;-I




Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal,
Moira, Bardez,
Goa, India
E pinto...@gmail.com or ypinto...@yahoo.co.in
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

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