One would be surprised for me saying "I don't find anything surprising or
protesting for holding up Shah Rukh Khan for secondary inspection (which
itself does not constitute detention) at Newark Airport for 2 hours for, may
be, his last name happens to be Muslim name as is projected". 

This is more because till date Saudi Arabian authorities continuously harass
Indian Hindus. Persons with Hindu names are not only grilled but quarantined
for hours without even conducting inquires or inspections or like wise. I
was one of the victim of their barbarian attitude on my first visit despite
me possessing all legal documents. Every one including Indian Muslims and
Indian Embassy knows about such things happening in Saudi Arabia for Indian
Hindus but none protest nor takes up with Saudi Arabian authorities. 

More over what outcome emerged when India protested with US authorities for
conducting body search on our most respected Ex-President Dr. Abdul Kalam?
Despite this, why should India government interfere with the incidence of
taking SRK for secondary inspection? 

If Indian government has  guts show it by conducting equally stringent body
search and inspections of US top nationals visiting India under pretext of
possible threats to India after 26/11 Mumbai incidence! By doing this India
can indirectly build-up/mount pressure on US without even raising any
protest and yet yield required results.   

But does India have spine to do this? I bet NO!!!!!!!!!!!

Best regards,
Dr. U. G. Barad

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