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This article was published on Herald dated 15th August 2009 in the 'Letter
to the Editor' column.



Dont Deprive Curtorkars

 With reference to the news article 'Joaquim depriving Curtorkars of water,
charges Reginaldo' on Herald dated 13th August 2009, I would like to express
my views on the said article. Water is the basic necessity of every citizen
and one must remember nobody has the right to deprive the same to the
citizens of this country. It is not the man made product but it is coming
from the God. The MLA is an elected representative of the respective
constituency & he has the full right to fight for the cause of his
constituents because it is they who elected him. Mr. Reginaldo, the Hon. MLA
from Curtorim Constituency has every right to fight against any wrongdoing
of any Minister be it his friend or enemy. But we do remember one thing that
in politics, there are no permanent friends & enemies. Mr. Joaquim being a
Hon. Minister, he has to keep Goa above his constituency. I am not saying
that he has to deprive his constituents of the basic needs, but he has to
see that every citizen of Goa get what they deserve. I am not against or
supporting anyone, but I just want to tell our Hon. Minister Mr. Joaquim
Alemao to sort out this issue by taking our Hon. MLA into confidence and to
find out an amicable solution where both Cuncolim & Curtorim constituency
can be benefited. I am sure that Mr. Joaquim being a big hearted man can do
the needful.


Mario F. D Costa

Curtorim / Doha, Qatar.



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