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Books in Goa: promises and perils of publishing

By Frederick Noronha [For Goa Today]

Selma Carvalho spent part of her Goa holiday trying to finish
a book dealing with stories of Goan migration. The UK-based
mother of a three-year-old believes her work has inputs that
could help Goans better understand their own complex reality.

Carvalho is one of a growing trend of writers bringing
Goa-centric work to the fore. An increasing number of books
on Goa is getting into print, here and elsewhere. Goa, the
size of an average Indian district, has an amazing set of
numbers on its side. Outside of the metros, it is probably
the most intensely published region nationwide, given its size.

          "Each year, between 200 to 250 books are being
          published in Goa alone. Out of these, about 70% are
          in Konkani," notes Central Library curator Carlos

Fernandes, a soft-spoken man with a reputation for his quiet
efficiency, sits at the helm of the oldest public library in
South Asia. The Central Library was set up as the Publica
Livraria in 1832, but has been overtaken by the metros across
India. Formerly with the Goa Engineering College, Fernandes
believes that good writers can help sell books in a world
where a market exists and technology has made things simple
-- you can layout a book on your desktop computer at home.

The trickle is turning into a flood. Old-timers remember the
situation in the 1980s, when there would be just a handful of
Goa-related books visible at exhibitions and sales. Today,
there are literally dozens, if not a few hundred books on Goa
in print. That is, if you know where to find them.

          "Goa is in a unique situation," avers Vivek
          Menezes, a Goan expat who returned home while in
          his 30s. He has published two books, that offer
          overviews of music and art in Goa. "Yet the market
          is ridiculed. People make false assumptions about
          Goa." His suggestion is that much more is possible.

Miramar-based Menezes, who can be often found in the mornings
working hard at writing from his office near Panjim's
municipal garden, sees Goa as a "potentially large and
lucrative market". He points to the tourist purchases of
local books. Besides, "Goa is on top of the national
food-chain in terms of interest and visibility."

Menezes argues: "You have all the ingredients in place for
huge growth; but we're told that Goa is too small and cannot
sustain! We have a huge captive audience. In the last two to
three years, due to the presence of (top national writers
like) Amitav Ghosh (who have homes in Goa), the writing
community is also getting built up."

                        * * *

          Simultaneously, the market for Goa books has opened
          up in recent years. This is not to say that
          everything is gung-ho. There are big challenges;
          but opportunity is now felt more strongly than ever
          before. Outlets are coming up in Goa, in a shape
          and size that marks a dramatic departure from the
          conservative, play-it-safe past.

Peter Nazareth, the editor of an anthology of Goan writing
("Goan Literature: A Modern Reader", Journal of South Asian
Literature Winter-Spring 1983) was surprised on encountering
online videos about a couple of bookstores in Goa.

He wrote: "I am astounded! They look like very good
bookstores with many, many books. (One belonging to Khalil
Ahmed) looks as good as the best bookstore in Iowa City,
which is the city of writing in the US."

Broadway at Sant Inez in Panjim was set up by Khalil Ahmed,
who decades back looked after the Goa market while working
for major publishers in New Delhi. Today, Broadway is into
publishing too, and has earned a reputation for its
special counters that offer books at bargain prices. Khalil
Ahmed runs it with son Faheem, in his twenties.

Besides this, there are others like the Coutinhos of Margao,
whose sprawling premises in an old-styled Goan house is in
the heart of the city. Located behind the Margao main post
office, it is called Golden Heart Emporium. In one room, a
number of Goa-related books lie crowded in shelves, vying for
the reader's attention.

Special 'Goa sections' for local bookshops are a fairly
recent trend though.

Bookshops that first made their Goa book sections visible
included the Other India Bookstore, a charming place almost
hidden -- but widely written about in travel guides and known
in alternative Indian publishing circles -- above the old
Mapusa Clinic at Mapusa. OIBS is an alternative network that
has a good selection and does a lot of mail-order business.

Lawyer Norma Alvares has been associated with this network as
a trustee, and has displayed innovation and the ability to
build a market where none existed. Besides their
environmental, activist and NGO books, the OIBS also has a
long-standing commitment to promoting Goa-related books.

OIBS, till recently, would activelytrack down and chase
self-published authors. By pursuing those who came out with a
book on Goa, they managed to put together a wide choice of
Goa-related books, in a market that is otherwise fragmented,
and marked by a lot of difficulties in finding the books you need.

                        * * *

This is a major problem with Goa books. Most are
self-published, or brought out by small-time publishers.

          Local newspapers, mostly, don't review newly
          published local books. So, when the book is just
          out, very few people are aware of it. By the time
          readers get to know of it, the title could well be
          out of print, or difficult to locate!

Apart from the OIBS, Golden Heart at Margao, and Broadway,
those with good Goa-related book sections include The Hotel
Mandovi's bookshop, and even the unusual Literati, just off
the Calangute-Candolim road. It would probably help if there
was more reader-pressure on bookshops to stock more
Goa-related titles.

There are other factors too.

Having good bookshops does help. It's not just numbers sold
that matters; even the glamour of the printed word grows, and
could get taken more seriously.

Says the prestigious Frommers.com, one of the best travel
guide in America: "It's Literati ... that has the atmosphere.
You can sit for hours in the terrific book cafe and read or
browse or buy secondhand as well as newly published works,
while at the same time enjoying a delicious brownie or a tall
glass of chilled kokum (fruit drink). Ask owner Divya Kapur
about any upcoming events like poetry or book readings and
writing workshops."

Writer Shikha Tripathi writes online at myfidgetyfeet.com:
"As uncanny as chalk and cheese, Goa and books sounds like a
divorced idea. My last trip to the place, however, revealed
the literary culture of a place I had previously equated not
with books but with the greater known b's -- beer and beaches."

                        * * *

Things are changing fast. The bookshops are there; so are the
books, and the authors. So what stops Goa-related titles from
getting a better place in the local sun -- not to forget
wider national and diaspora markets?

          "Distribution. Distribution. Distribution. A
          distribution network is sorely needed. There are no
          real distributors in Goa," says Cecil Pinto, who in
          2007 published 'Domnic's Goa', a book by
          Gulf-returned Domnic Fernandes of Anjuna, which
          nostalgically narrates life as was in Goa two
          generations ago.

Like the proverbial chain, the strength here too is that of
the weakest link! For most in the field, the distribution
networks, or lack of them, is the serious most constrain that
Goa currently faces in making its books viable and visible.

Talk to any author, publisher or reader, and the most common
complaint is that books don't travel beyond Goa. Not even to
cities which have large Goan pockets, and could be potential

But, to be fair, it takes for a huge cost and many challenges
to even try to tap this scattered market. Pinto points to the
disappointing experience of his book not reaching diaspora
communities, even via mail-order networks. But book sellers
here have to cope with difficult and costly (or unavailable)
payment mechanisms, delays in receiving payments, and poor
communications. Unless this severe bottleneck is somehow
overcome, a lot of potential will remain stymied.

          Remy Rodrigues, former partner of advertising and
          publishing firm Era, says the biggest problem with
          books is "marketing obviously". One has to work
          hard to build the profile of a book, and
          "experienced writers" are important he feels. "If
          you throw peanuts, you only get monkeys." Of
          course, this leaves Goa in a chicken-and-egg
          situation. Where does the money come from if the
          market is yet to be built up?

Cecil Pinto agrees that things are falling into place:
"Writers and readers can be from anywhere. They don't have to
be physically present in Goa. Editing, illustration,
photography, designing, printing, packaging and publicity
talent and facilities exist here. What we need is an
efficient distribution network which can make the book
visible and available locally, all-India and worldwide."

But others see the problem as lying elsewhere.

          Dr Fatima Gracias, historian, says: "Publishing
          books in Goa is time-consuming for the author, as
          in some instances the author has to look after many
          aspects of publishing. Publishers often do not pay
          much attention to finer points -- editing,
          appearance, cover, paper quality. Academic books
          lack a good bibliography or reference list, correct
          footnotes, end notes, ISBN (International Standard
          Book Number) and, most importantly, an index."

"Publishers in  Delhi takes time to come out with a book but
they take care of all aspects of publishing. In some cases,
the publication needs to be financed by the author. The
author has no control or idea of number of copies published,"
she adds. Dr Gracias has published four books, two each in
Delhi and Goa, and is awaiting completion of the fifth.

Add to this the other typical problems of a small and
scattered market. Books can be published in limited numbers
-- usually a thousand copies, sometimes 500. This pushes up
costs and makes it costlier to promote each book.

Money can be slow to return, both for authors and publishers.

                        * * *

Yet, despite this, publishing continues unabated. Goa comes
out with a significant number of titles each year.

In the mid-1980s, after reading a really insightful essay by
a Western scholar on Goa, this writer began collecting books
on the region. Today, one has a collection of about 28
shelves of Goa books, each with approx 30 books, reports and
the like. Others like ex-librarian and Goanvoice.Org.UK
editor Eddie Fernandes has a collection of a few thousand
books. All related to Goa.

Loretta Nunes, manager of the Other India Bookstore,
volunteers to count the number of available books on the
Mapusa-based outlet's "Goa books catalogue". It's over 190
right now! Goans seem to be the most prolific -- for reasons
tough to understand -- in the fields of biographies, history,
religion, tourism and cookery (for obvious reasons).

"Some books don't move (sell) fast. Most Goans don't buy
books. It's the foreigners who go for it," she says. But this
may also be because the OIBS has received favourable mention
in places like the trendy Lonely Planet guide, which, in
turn, influences many foreign tourists to visit.

OIBS, and its sister organisation, the Other India Press, are
quaint outfits, which trace their roots to the
environmentalist couple, Dr Claude and Advocate Norma
Alvares. Almost hidden by an un-typical entrance at the rear
of the old Mapusa Clinic building, this outlet is unknown to
most Goans. But it does, as mentioned, good mail-order
business, and is known across the country and beyond. It has
a wide selection of environmental and activist titles, and
now, a rich selection of Goa books too.

                        * * *

The other part of the puzzle is the book collector, mentioned
above. There are perhaps a handful of hard-core addicts who
collect every Goa-related book they could get their hands on.

Leroy Veloso is one such avid collector of Goa books, based
in Moira. He began buying books on Mumbai's street markets in
1998, when he first went to work on board the ship. He
started collecting Goa books since 2006, when he changed
careers and opted for the shore.

          Says he: "Obviously newer published books are
          easier to get on Goa, out of print books are
          difficult. You have to keep asking around and
          searching in second-hand shops, jumble sales, etc.
          It's more like fishing. Don't know whether or what
          I'll get books on Goa but I am usually pleasantly

Veloso argues: "I don't think there is much market for Goa
books in Goa, people expect to get free copies of books. Also
I feel the government should make it compulsory, or
facilitate, the publication of PhD theses on Goa issues, as
these are simply lying in the Goa University library now."

Expat Bosco D'Mello, from Toronto and earlier from Bombay who
traces his roots to the Bardez village of Socorro, says:
"Books from Goa fill a void in my understanding of Goa and
its people. It supplements my knowledge of Goa and Goans
through the ages and helps understand how Goan society has
morphed into its present state. I am drawn to non-fiction and
historical manuscripts although I do own novels authored by
Goans or about Goa. The other reason I buy books authored by
Goans -- fiction or non-fiction -- is to support Goan writers."

He suggests that copies of Goa-related books should be
donated or submitted to public libraries in cities around the
world that have large Goan populations. Goan associations
could also act as channels to popularise Goan books.
Interested Goans could act as local points of contacts for
selling such books, he suggests.

Leading hotels in Goa could purchase large volumes of
Goa-related books at cheaper prices and handout to their
guests as part of a welcome package, he suggests. But, of
course, it's a question of everybody just taking care of
their own business interest. So....

                        * * *

When one talks to different interest-groups involved, it
becomes clear how disparate the concerns are.

          Odette Mascarenhas, author of a book on the famous
          chef Masci (her father-in-law) and two more Goan
          "Harry Potters" for kids, says: "We writers have a
          tough time to break into big houses in Mumbai and
          Delhi. Most of our writings are Goa-centric. So
          perhaps a local publisher would help. We need to
          create a niche to showcase Goan talent."

Sheela Jaywant, a Goan author, compares the local market with
Mumbai: "Not much difference between the two. Goa being
smaller, everyone knows everyone and books have to be given
free. Mumbai is bigger, one has lots of colleagues and
acquaintances, and books have to be given free."

She adds: "Price-wise, too, not much difference for a
self-publisher. Ah yes, many in Goa have space to store the
undistributed books. In Bombay, that's one big pain!"

"I took self-publishing as a way to leverage my writing into
public space," says former journalist and academic Savia
Viegas, who recently sold a thousand copies of her novel set
in Goa, 'Tales from the Attic'. To do so, she went
beach-to-beach, around Salcete where she lives, acting as
"hawker" to many, including to visiting tourists.

Cut to Rama Harmalkar (40), a traditional printer who studied
the art in Bicholim. Harmalkar quickly realised that there is
a need for quality print jobs, and outsources his work to
printers in Mumbai. For a marginally higher price, he offers
a quality job, which has drawn business for him from a wide
section of those going in for book publishing, both
individuals and some publishers.

          But novelist, former journalist and musicologist
          Victor Rangel-Ribeiro, who is 83 and yet keen to
          share skills with others here (he helped kick-start
          the GoaWriters group), believes that one shouldn't
          gloss over problem areas.

Rangel-Ribeiro says: "Publishing in Goa differs from
publishing as it is practiced in the West: in Goa, a
publisher seems to be any individual who takes a manuscript
and prints it. A book launch is held, people are invited, and
the book is considered published."

Even when backed by a knowledgeable and powerful array of
forces -- acquisition staff, editors, copy-editors, legal
experts, proofreaders, a sales force, advertising and PR --
books that are published in the West often fail to sell. "To
me it seems that most books that are written and published in
Goa are orphaned and abandoned at birth. It is a miracle that
books published in Goa sell at all," says Rangel-Ribeiro, not
mincing his words.

Indo-Portuguese historian Dr Teotonio R de Souza, based in
Lisbon and working towards a reprint of his 'Medieval Goa',
believes that writers need to improve their inputs into their
books. He calls for rigorous scholarship in the social
sciences, relating contents to actuality (even in History),
and the courage to face controversial issues like caste,
conversions or colonialism. Souza was founder-director of the
Xavier Centre of Historical Research, and some of their books
have been published through networks like Concept, New Delhi.

                        * * *

Unfortunately, language is another factor that fractures the
Goa market; not to decry diversity. For instance, outlets
which stock English-language books might not keep Konkani and
Marathi titles, or vice versa. Inspite of Goa's multilingual
situation, very few translations happen here still.

Visibility of Goa books is another issue. In a situation of
profound ignorance about new books being published, how are
potential buyers to get to know of what's available? South
Goa is getting a plush new district library opened, and one
suggestion is to hold a permanent exhibition of books
published in Goa. Likewise, Goa, with its pleasant weather
for much of the year, could hold open air book-fairs to widen
its market. Indoor fairs for books are held here, but these
lack the scale or colour needed to draw in the crowds.

Goa's postal service needs to offer better facilities, if
wider markets are to be tapped. At Panjim's General Post
Office, one could run into widely fluctuating postal rates
and unawareness, though the official policy is actually quite
helpful and aimed at offering books preferential postal rates.

          Much needs to be done to promote the reading habit
          in Goa too. Despite claims, the village libraries
          set up in Goa in the 1980s are either in a state of
          collapse, or not growing significantly. Showing an
          inability to run the network of village libraries,
          the government is now handing these over to
          voluntary groups. This may work in some cases, but
          the need for an expansion of village libraries is

                        * * *

Prabhakar Bhide, of the Rajhauns Vitrans, heads an active
publishing house started in 1981. Till date, they have a
total of 941 titles in print, including school and
educational books, Bhide says.

          The biggest challenge, says Bhide, are "bread and
          butter issues". He says: "If I can't create a
          viable business, then how can one continue? I need
          to be good enough to market whatever I produce, or
          produce whatever the market needs."

While Goa books have a small market, the reading habit is
actually improving, he feels. Among his popular books, he
lists Goa, A Social History (by P D Xavier), Magnificent
Monuments (by Xavier Lobo), the recently reprinted The Goa
Inquisition (A K Priolkar) and Goan Home Wines (by Edwin

Broadway's managing director Khalil Ahmed says his bookshop
is keen on publishing titles from the region. "It takes time
to recover the investment, but it's okay. Though this is a
small market, there is still scope. One cannot predict which
book will click," says he.

He praises government support, and says this helps too.
Broadway has published some 15 titles. Faheem Ahmed (24), the
next generation at the firm, says publishing Goa is their way
of giving back to a state which hosts their business.

Author Vishnu Wage (44) has himself authored and published 15
titles (six collections of poetry, four plays, one biography,
two in free verse, and two satires). Besides this, he's also
been an editor, a theatre personality, a cartoonist, and a

What's the economics of publishing these books?

Says he: "I've self-published my books. But I also have a
tie-up with distributors in Maharashtra, and give it to them
to sell. This (selling in Maharashtra) is not possible if one
writes in Konkani. It's very tough to move from door to door
selling books (laughs)." To ensure attractiveness, Wagh says
he's careful to maintain layout and production standards,
while making the books aesthetically appealing too.

          "More or less an equal number of Konkani and
          Marathi books published each month, say about 15 to
          20 each. Over 100-150 new books (in Marathi and
          Konkani each) get published on an average in a
          year. But hardly 5% of these would be worth
          reading," avers Wagh.

Says Dr Pratap Naik, a Jesuit scholar and Konkani promoter:
"Whether we published our own or published by others,
experience is not so good. Sales are limited."

"'Romans' (Romi Konkani fiction) used to sell because readers
then didn't know English. Konkani was the only option (in
those times). Who reads Konkani now? Those who were earlier
Konkani readers have now learnt English," he says.

In his view, the religious publication 'Dor Moneachi Roti'
(at one stage even published from Karachi) and the 'Romans'
were two ways for keeping the Goan Catholic in touch with
their culture and Konkani in the past. "If (Konkani pulp
fiction is) reprinted today will it sell? I have my doubts.
That readership is all but gone," he says, sounding
pessimistic. TV, DVDs and audio cassettes offer stiff
competition to books too.

"Devanagari books thrive because of government support. It's
not a question of whether a hundred or a thousand books are
published each year. My challenge is, the the government stop
giving grants, and spend that money on welfare of the
people... that will give us an indication of whether people
really need Konkani," says Naik.

This could be seen as a reflection of the
Devanagari-versus-Romi script battle that has been going on
in the Konkani world here. But, Naik agrees that the pressure
of a reader-shortage is being felt in the Romi world too.

Yet, despite all the many problems, there are signs of
change. Books are reaching the presses in growing numbers.
One cannot overlook the role of books in generating ideas and
knowledge. To ignore the low-returns field of book publishing
in a small market would be a crucial error, and as things are
moving -- with many advantages in its favour -- Goa has no
alibi for not taking this sector seriously.


Frederick Noronha, a journalist for 25 years, recently
himself ventured into a small, alternative publishing venture
Goa,1556 [http://goa1556.goa-india.org]

BOX: The rat and the lion

It takes an American anthropologist to underline the point
that publishing a Goa book in Goa itself makes good sense.

          Dr Robert S Newman, the Marblehead (Ma.) based
          anthropologist, says, "My experience in publishing
          my Goa related book was basically good. I published
          my book in Goa because I left academia and didn't
          need to impress anyone with my 'hotshot skills' and
          'great intellect'. More simply put, I wasn't
          gunning for a promotion."

Newman, earlier at La Trobe University in Australia, says he
"just wanted people to read what I wrote." The most important
people for him, he says, were Goans, since his work is on
this place.

Publishing a Goa book some distant, bigger centre would only
push up costs. "Also, interest in Goa in the wide world is
rather limited. Many publishers in the West would
automatically say, 'This book is not going to sell.' In Goa,
that would not be the case," he notes.

In the late 1990s, when Newman published here, then as now,
there was a limited choice by way of publishers he could

Yet, he says: "I think the challenge does not lie in the lack
or plenitude of publishers. It is in the quantity or quality
of manuscripts available. Things have to be written in order
to get published."

Newman, from distant North America, reminds us of the crucial
task of knowledge creation.

"If we look at Anthropology, where are the manuscripts?  Who
is encouraging (Dr Bernadette) Gomes to write the various
things she could write? Why did she receive so little
encouragement over the years?  Coffee table books probably
sell more, but they do not constitute "better books" in my
opinion. Who is pestering Alexander Henn, Alito Siqueira,
Manuel Magalhães, Jason Fernandes, Claudia Pereira, and a
few others to hurry up and produce a manuscript?  Nobody.
What about the writers of literature?"

          Looking back, Newman says: "When I came to Goa in
          2006, there was a lot of interest in the book and
          people had heard about my work.  That was
          fantastic. They heard of me in "Goa" circles in
          Portugal too."

If he had written the "same kind of stuff" on Afghanistan or
Iraq, it might have brought better returns, Newman suggests.

He argues: "Books on India at large might sell more or be
more widely read. But I always felt glad that I studied Goa
and wrote on Goa because I opened the door -- there really
wasn't much anthropology on Goa before."

"It was kind of a pioneering work and I've always hoped that
a bunch more would follow, building up on what I started.  I
wanted my book to be available in Goa and that's what
happened. As they say in South America -- mejor la cabeza de
raton que el culo de leon!  (Better the head of a rat than
the arse of a lion!)"



General bookshops

Robert S Newman

Book covers: Savia Viegas' tales from the attic


Writers resident (part time) in Goa:
Rahul Singh and Amitav Ghosh

Margaret Mascarenhas

N Shivdas, Pundalik Nayak

Goa Today, August 2009.

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