The Editor
Gomantak Times

Dear Editor,

I applaud your deep sense of fair play and justice. As you so rightly
observe in your editorial of Friday 21 August, appropriately weightily
titled 'Of freedom of expression and religious sentiment', "till date no
violent means have been employed" by the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS)
against artist Subodh Kerkar. The HJS, as you so perspicaceously observe,
has been "restricting itself to a press conference, threatening phone
calls and a morcha".

Bravo I say!

No doubt you will shortly write another equally eloquent editorial
demanding that Health Minister Vishwajeet Rane, that fine young Goan
statesman, be immediately exonerated in a vile case brought against him
by Adv Aires Rodrigues for making a threatening phone call to him. If
threats given over a telephone cannot hurt Subodh, why on earth should
anyone think they can hurt Aires? Why victimise poor Vishwajeet; he
allegedly only made ONE threatening phone call, while the HJS hordes made
hundreds to Subodh.

I am sure, given your innate commitment to fair play and justice, that
you cannot but agree, and will soon set pen to paper (or should I say
fingers to keyboard?) to similarly support our great leader Vishwajeet!

Yours in admiration,

Sayeesh Naik
House No: 841B
Corte de Real
Santa Cruz
Goa - 403 005

Tel: 9823026348

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