
               August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary


>>"...........a sense of personal civic responsibility, which is largely 
>>lacking in >>India.  Just take the lack of consideration on the roads and it 
>>is the >>same attitude everywhere."


The type of attitude is clearly regrettable. But it is understandable when you 
check this.
Section 304A carries a maximum term of two years or with fine or with both for 
a rash and negligent act causing death but without intention to cause death. 
And the fine of Rs 2000/- is no more than a light slap on the wallet of a rich 
kid zooming off in a Mitsubishi Lancer making an exhibition of his father's 
wealth and power.
To escape conviction for culpable homicide which carries a 10 year term under 
section 304, it is often the argument of defence counsels that if a person is 
drunk he is not in command of his senses, so how does he know he will kill 
And what does the law have to say about drunk driving? Never mind. I find the 
IPC boring. If my knowledge serves me right the breath-analyzer reports are not 
admissible in a court. To formally book a drunk driver the police have to take 
him for a blood test. And as everybody knows the police would rather prefer to 
take a few extra rupees home than take an offender for a blood test unless he 
is not the obliging type. 
With our type of police, politicians and dead-to-the-world civic authorities 
anything goes -- on the roads and elsewhere. 
As things stand, it will take another 100 summers before our slumbering leaders 
wake up. Today public safety is a virtual non-issue in picture-postcard Goa. 
Tomorrow is a disant dream. Your choice is clear: Beware or be dead.  

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