
               August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary


Albert writes:- One must know the value of the Bible. It gives us immense 
knowledge of God's kingdom. God's plan is explained in the Genesis. Increase 
and multiple says the Lord. The ten commandments explained in Exodus and later 
repeated by Jesus himself teaches us the way to go in this world and later to 
unite with our Master and our Lord. Our life would be a an interesting one had 
we to just love God with our whole heart. We would be free from any tension, 
diseases if only we had known that God is our Father. THe lady who was sick for 
twelve years recognised Jesus as God and touched his garment to get a cure. The 
ten lepers came to Jesus because they accepted Jesus as God and the cure came 
to them. Why do you hesitate to ask the Father all that you need ? Our clergy 
has converted us into guinea pigs. They have pushed into our throat a stupid 
way of praying. We do not know to pray because we have not been taught to open 
our hearts to God and pour out our sorrows. The clergy
  know only part of the bible called " The daily flash and the rosary and the 
psalm no 91. Our prayers are outdated. We speak to idols which cannot answer us 
and hence we panic and in his panic we roam here and there for salvation. Some 
people run to Vallankini because someone has told them that particular Mary can 
work Miracles. If saints and mother Mary could make miracles why do we need God 
? Mary herself bowed and said " My soul magnifies the Lord. " Accept God as 
your creator, your saviour and only Jesus can help you to achieve salvation. 
Mary should be our model. If you love Mary immitate her. She accepted the Lord, 
you too should. She accepted God's plan and concern for others, why don't you ? 

We all see it as it is. But on MSN India, the difference lies in perspective.

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