
               August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary


> Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 13:41:16 -0700
> From: elisabeth_...@yahoo.com
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] The Kennedys, and India.
> To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
> CC: alfredtava...@hotmail.com
> Dear Alfred,
> You are such a trove of lore.
> Best,
> selma
> --- On Fri, 8/28/09, Alfred de Tavares <alfredtava...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > Ted, then, remembered of Shriver's glowing reports about
> > Goa, and coffered with Mario to
> > arrange a drying up long vaccation for the nephew in
> > Loutulim, to which Mario aceded.
> > 
Thanks my Best Bleeping Bess...

Yes, it does stimulate one's cockles...in whichever organ they are bunched...to 
about far bygone events...episodes....entanglements...

Sorry I have so long neglected your interest in Redualdo da Costa: I have had a 
depressing couple of months... the persistant diabetis, for a few years now, & 
problem: Yes hearabouts, heart is called "PUMPAN". Very apt, I feel.

They have been investigating deeply, lates with a post-EKG device called the 
Voices, which
was originally used in examining expectant mothers.

They have discovered a layer of fatty fluied within the pericordium, here ka 
the heart-sack..

But, in general...I am OK. Will be going, with my youngest (23) daughter, 
Sorella, to Goa, end
Oct: Maybe over London. If so let us meet an evening.

Redualdo da Costa was a great large-hearted but soft spoken, self depracating 

My neighbour, after next door, Dr Barónio Monteiro.

My virtual, most effective mentor, councellor & role-model, not in his, highly 
professional legal
career but his equally distuinguished ways of everyday diplomatic approach to 
life & issues.

Although born into a well placed (affluentially as well as socially) family, by 
the time I used to romp
in his vast mansion, it was reduced to near dillapidation: owing, I believe to 
great addiction for 
gambling; of which, he was also inordinately, but prudently, dedicated to.

For, he seems to have avidly gambbled not only in the sphere of poker, etc, but 
in his counseling of
the Portuguese administration; always most pragmaticaly accomplished, 
demonstrating an accumen
that won him kudos from all, including those who, in their hearts, surely 
abhorred his successes.

He was trained/educated, as were the sons of most bhatcars, brahmin & Chardó, 
at the Seminary
of Rachol, a hop s & j from the residence of our beloved Boyró...

Then the seminary was the only institution for higher education, akin to 
graduation or more, depending
on the choice of career in life you made: Law, statecraft, 
government-employment, academic enhancement 
& so on.

On joining the seminary there was no mandatory stipulation that your main 
target should be ordination.

On the contrary the clerical hierarchy considered it their bounden trust to 
educate the "prospective"
cream of Goan families to be "formed/fit (formado)" to run the administrative 
side of the administration or,
that part of it that was within the ken of the Goans, with adequate family 
influence to seccure their scions
with the coveted sinecures.

A few, very few, among them Redualdo, needed no such props: they, pushed their 
way up to the top, sheerely
on their own merits and ended up becoming veritably indispensible for the 
administration in efectively carrying out
the day-to-day contigencies imposed upon them by evolving (colonial) political 

In this, with, aforesaid diplomatic proficiencies, complemented by profound 
legal acuity, he became a pain-in-the-arse
for Nehru and his honchos like Krishna menon in confounding their policy of 
embargo vs the Indian province with the
result that instead of having the flow of commodities (most meagerly scarce in 
those times) from the Union of I. into
Portugues territories they were, embarassingly reduced to prevent, as well as 
they could, to prevent/stop them
from cataracting into India. A perfect boomerrang effect ever countenanced...

Bess there is much more...but I dont know which aspects you desire to have...if 
in this vein i can go on...or, you
could me a questionaire that I will gladly respond....


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