
               August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary


Hello Freddy,
Leave this poor guy alone for the moment - who knows where the snare lies?
Before long he will be back in the roost. Birds of the same feather flock
Ashley D'Silva 

-----Original Message-----
From: goanet-boun...@lists.goanet.org
[mailto:goanet-boun...@lists.goanet.org] On Behalf Of Freddy Fernandes
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 10:49 AM
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Subject: [Goanet] Mr. Jaswant Singh, You Are Welcome To Goa


               August 25, 2009 - Goanet's 15th Anniversary


Mr. Jaswant Singh, You Are Welcome To Goa 

A marital union gone sour and a colourful vociferous divorce looks
eminent which could very well lay a good amount of exotic saucy bedroom
to boardroom extramarital affairs, bare. Looks like our Jaswant Singh
who had been wearing the black beaded mala of the BJP, had set his eyes
and soul on Mr. Jinnah from the other side of the border and had
harboured these romantic feelings for a long time and to the utter
horror of the dignified, self-righteous Saffron family, proclaimed his
love and admiration for the green, Mr. Jinnah in public. The bride's
"saffronised" family and the cousins just couldn't accept this
infidelity, especially since they were sworn enemies of the green
oriented Jinnah, who according to them was nothing less than a traitor.

In this modern world where divorces, live-in's or even remarriages are
as rampant and as natural as early morning breakfasts, what's new ?  We
have seen it all, from Parliament to the Panchayats, all marriages are
solemnised by nuptials, nikha or the "sat phere" round the fire or even
the "pyre" for that matter, but mean nothing to the brides or the grooms
in politics and more so in our beloved GOA. 

Our Goan politicians have even out done the Hollywood actress Elizabeth
Taylor and her eight marriages, twice to the same person, she had
divorced before. Isn't it amazing ? I don't think Mr. Jaswant Singh
should worry about the whimsical BJP's untimely divorce at the centre,
in Goa we do not have any problem with political infidelity and most
times it's even reward, if you have any doubts you can ask, Churchill,
Monster-rat,  Ravi or even the MP Sardinha bab. No ill feelings at all,
even if you are impregnated by the rival politicians.

Mr. Singh, you are welcome to Goa anytime. No problem if your book is
banned by Mr. Modi, Mr. Parrikar will welcome you with open arms as Mr.
Modi wasn't too popular here in Goa even with a good number of Hindus,
he will also help you to sell your book in Goa, I am sure most of our
politicians will be enlightened by the past leaders provided they can
read.  You can even produce CD's and I am sure Mr. Parrikar will help
you distribute them in no time, he is an expert and has previous
experience as well. While in Goa please be advised that you can write
anything except against the Chief Minister and his elite Ministers, even
if they are facts, or you could be taken to court and jailed thereafter.

Mr. Ali Baba our CM, will have no second thoughts in offering you a plum
post in his cabinet, your tenure in External Affairs at Delhi will help
him with the much needed protocol in Goa,  which is abysmal at the
moment and your experience of the Kandhahar episode, will help in
handling crime and terrorism which showing an upsurge in Goa. 

I won't be surprised if the MGP extends you a red carpet welcome to Goa,
because they too need, a dashing and vocal personality like yourself, to
lift their ebbing misfortunes. 

You could teach the UGDP liars oops !!  I mean lawyers who run the show
and are looking not just for new blood but oldies like you as well and
you could teach them a thing or two as well, even though they could be a
bit  of hindrance, than support in your venture. The Save Goa Party
needs to save itself, from it's own biological parents before, it can
save Goa or anyone else and as for Mr. Floriano and the GSRP, of the
little, I have heard and read of him, it looks an unlikely corner to be
offered since Floriano say he wants clean and secular people to run Goa.
There could well be a clash of ideologies once again, even then no
problems there are ample opportunities in the ruling and the opposition
party in Goa.

Come to Goa Mr. Jaswant Singh and enjoy the fruits of corruption. By the
way, how would you like to be served Mr. Singh, just a routine
clarification sir, over the table or under the table, like all our
present residents of the Vidhan Sabha ?  

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes


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