I would like to add a few of that I have come across some of which may be 
corruptions or dialect modifications:
sampddo - all fronds placed on one side of he leaf used to thatch roofs.
Kanddi - the trunk of the tree.
vanxe/vanshe - the rafters (from trunk)
patti - beam (from trunk).
bol'l - barrel from the base of the tree.
kisram - shavings from the tree
shelaunno - shelanno (sic)
piddo - end of the frond
paddeponn - cocnut plucking
paddai, paddekar - plucker
torluk - charge
No time now to think of some more
Richard cabral

---- Sebastian Borges <s_m_bor...@yahoo.com> wrote: 

Dear Fred,
The folowing are the coconut-related terms compiled in the "English - Konkani 
vocabulary" to be published by Goa Konkani Akademi.  Almost all are taken from 
S.R. Dalgado's "Portuguese - Konknni Dictionary" (1905); some terms in use 
outside Goa have been omitted.  Singular and plural forms (when given) are 
separated by a dash ( - ).

coconut :  narl  - narl
tender coconut : addsor - addsoram,  xiallem - xiallim,  girpallem - girpallim. 
large coconut : xelanno - xelanne. 
immature / unripe coconut : bonddo - bondde. 
incipient (button): bonddi - bonddio. 
empty  / sterile coconut: vanz - vanzam. 
coconut with water dried out : adduk addkam. 
coconut with water dried up while on tree : moddko - moddke,  moddkel’lo narl – 
moddkel’le narl.
coconut dry and with kernel loosened from shell : guddguddo - guddgudde.
coconut seedling : biyaddok - biyaddok.   
kernel of coconut : katolli, (tender) korkem, (soft layer) pillpo.   
half of a coconut kernel : vollem - vollim. 
grated kernel : sôy. 
grated kernel mixed with jogree : churn. 
coconut grater : kantonem - kantonim. 
sun-dried kernel (copra) : khobrem. 
endosperm or kernel of germinated coconut : morondd,  murindd. 
peduncle of coconut : chamfem chamfim.   
hard shell of coconut : kortti - kortteo,  (large) kortto - kortte. 
entire shell without kernel : belko - belke,  belo - bele. 
laddle made of shell (in decreasing size) : dôy - doyo,  dôvlo - dovle,  dovli 
- dovleo,  poddki - poddkeo. 
husk of coconut : soddnn - soddnnam. 
coir : katho,  kabllo. 
coir rope : razu - razu,  sumb - sumbam. 
coconut milk : narlacho ros.   
coconut oil :  khobrel,  narlel,  avel. 
coconut shell oil: kott’ttel. 
coconut liquour : fenni, maddel. 
coconut arrack (equivalent of cashew urrak i. e. single-distilled) :  mollop.
coconut plucker : paddekar, paddeli, paddavi, paddavo.
coconut plucking : paddo - padde.
coconut tree : madd - madd. 
tree producing coconuts : narl-madd. 
tree being tapped for toddy : surê-madd,  bandlolo madd. 
old unproductive tree : zorddul - zorddulam. 
young immature tree / sapling : kovatho - kovathe. 
bunch of coconuts : manzôr – manzri / manzoreo,  penddhi - penddheo. 
canopy / crown : kovoll.   
spathe : pôy - poyo. 
spadix (the stalk from which a bunch hangs): xevok - xevkam,  xelkem - xelkim. 
frond (leaf) : chuddit - chuddttam. 
tendermost, unopened (apical) frond : xivddi - xivddeo,  ram’ – ram’. 
leaf bud :  kunvllo - kunvlle, kunvallo - kunvalle.     
stalk (petiole) of frond : pirddo - pirdde. 
fibre-web (ligule) of frond-stalk : pisondori - pisndoreo. 
leaflet of a frond : chuddtti - chuddtteo. 
midrib (petiole) of leaflet : hir - hir,  vhir - vhir. 
marginal fibre of leaflet : vavlli. 
woven mat of frond : morl - morlam.   

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  • ... Sebastian Borges
    • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न ोरोन्या
    • ... rcabral

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