Antonio Menezes wrote the following:

'Were the Portuguese in Goa for the benefit of Goans ? Yes, but for a
small minority of mostly mestissos, bamons and  bhatkars'

R Cabral added this:

a: You are absolutely right.

b: In fact the vast majority of people were oblivious of what went on
around them except the fear, fear of assault and deprivation both
within and without.

c: They led simple lives and were economically poor. Their dwellings
were single roomed mud houses built like chawls.

d: Their only anxiety was to feed themselves.

e: They were ignorant and as you said the bamonns took maximum
advantage of this and appropriated their lands and properties.

-- --

jc's response:

I looked at Antonio's first (quoted above) sentence and thought to
myself: What is AM saying? Did he actually mean to say:"Did the
Portuguese presence in Goa benefit Goa and Goans?"

IF so, there is a short answer to that: Perhaps a person who has done
a comparative analysis of Goa with the surrounding territories i.e.
Savantwadi and Karwar will answer that question. Since I have not, I
will only say ...I do not know the answer to that question.

Then comes Cabral with a statement which starts thus: "In fact the

I assume that Cabral has conducted a study OR read a scientific study
which brought him to that conclusion.

Cabral adds further that '[The vast majority of Goans lived in
dwellings which were] single roomed mud houses built like chawls.

Now, that puzzles me. I do not know IF it puzzles anyone else.

Having seen 'chawls' in Poona and (what is now) Mumbai, I always
thought that chawls were 3-4 stories high...with 'efficiencies' EACH
holding one family.

So, in one 'chawl' there would be about 20 'single-room efficiencies'
holding 20 families.

Perhaps, Cabral will advise us where these eficiencies are today - in
which the "vast majority" of Goans lived.

I must say that in my first year of medical school, I had the good
fortune of traveling (on 20 consecutive weekends) with Jack and Erasmo
Sequeira, Anant B Naik (Babu Naik) and Vasu Sarmalakar ALL over Goa
for the Opinion Poll. Somehow, these chawls missed me.....a vice-versa

So, I await a solid reference to what Menezes and Cabral have stated.

Forgive me IF I skip the 'anti-Bamon' tirade. I do not believe in the
Caste System, and remain opposed to it - Whatever the Laws of Manu say
about it.

As far as the mesticos are concerned, the only "properous mixed ones"
I know ......are the folks from Divar. But let me not go there for


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