Mr. Jairam Ramesh's visit to Goa


The moment it was announced, that the Union Minister for environment and
forests Mr. Jairam Ramesh, would visit Goa to look into the CRZ issue, a
lot of our Goans residing in the coastal belt were expecting Christmas
in August,  thinking that the Union Minister, sitting on Ali Baba's
sledge dressed as Santa Clause would come with the much anticipated
goodies, in the form of some concrete evidence that the Government would
ensure that no more demolitions would be carried out in Goa and all the
residential structures post 1991 would somehow be legalised, but to the
utter disappointment, the people are left even more confused than ever


Mr. Jairam pompously said that costal structures in the CRZ area
existing prior to 1991, will be protected from demolition. Why do
structures prior to 1991 need protection and did we really need the
Union Minister to come all the way from Delhi to tell us that, because
CRZ law clearly states that only structures post 1991 will be
demolished, so why the dramatics ?


Mr. Jairam has categorically stated that he has no solution to the
structures that came up in CRZ area post 1991,  if he has no solution to
the main problem of Goans residing in Coastal Goa, what was the purpose
or point of his visit to Goa ? 


Mr. Jairam further said that he advised the state government to seek
more time from the high court to conduct a detailed survey of CRZ areas
in Goa to identify houses of traditional fishermen, toddy tappers and
other structures prior to 1991. How come structures prior 1991 were
issued demolition notices and who is responsible this major error ? Why
should the poor people suffer hardships and anxieties ?


Mr. Jairam also stated that the Centre will not protect any five star
hotel or commercial establishment, haven't our corrupt politicians
proved, what they can do even with "the order" of the Court ?


Mr. Jairam further says that there are peculiarities about Goa, but he
cannot make any promises, but the problem is that, our politicians are
responsible for majority of these peculiarities in Goa, so they should
be taken to task in the first place.


In the end Mr. Jairam says "we have to implement the CRZ regulations in
a manner that protects the livelihood of people. This is also a human
issue," As an Aam Aadmi I am a bit confused about the protection factor,
and the prized question that arises in my mind is, who needs protection
from whom ? People have been living close to the coast, from time
immemorial and it now in the 21st century that people living by the
coast need protection ? People living close to forest areas have to be
protected from fire, land slides and wild life, people living by the
sides of the rivers, lakes and valleys have to be protected from
flooding, people living in major cities have to be protected from
terrorism, so can our esteemed minister tell us, where can we be safe ?
If laws have to be implemented then, they have to be applied uniformly
and consistently to one and all, with no exceptions.


Just before Mr Jairam left he said that the Congress Government will do
what it can for the people living in Costal areas, which has left me
even more puzzled, in a few weeks time, will we be saying  "Mr Jairam
Jai Ho", or will we be crying "Jai Ram Sita Ram" as we carry the
remnants of our destroyed dwellings ?  


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes 



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