Mario previously wrote:

> Has anyone seen Bosco acknowledge that seriously ill patients in Canada 
> are routinely subjected to rationed care?

Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 21:48:23 -0400
From: "Bosco D'Mello" <>

More distortions!!

Mario responds:

I looked in vain of at least one example where Bosco has shown where I have 
distorted something.  In the meantime he is unable to show where he has 
acknowledged that seriously ill patients are placed on waiting lists in 
Canada.  Yet he continues to repeat his abusive claims that my comment above is 
a distortion.

Mario previously wrote:

> Has anyone seen Bosco acknowledge that MANY (caps by Bosco) Canadians 
> have to come to the US, where there are no waiting lists, if they want 
> to live?

Bosco's responded:

MANY?? Many as in more than Some?? Bah!! More distortions!!

Mario responds:

Here is an article that reports on the MANY - not more than some - Canadians 
who come to the US for serious treatment.  Even contractual arrabgements are 
being arranged so that even more can come.

Compare the contents of the article with what Bosco is alleging above.  Why is 
Bosco deliberately distorting well know facts about the Canadian health care 
system?  Perhaps he did not read the article.

Mario previously wrote:

> Yet, while shutting his eyes tightly to the facts that are emerging from
> the leadership physicians in Canada, he continues to describe my balanced
> reporting as "More distortions!! Accompanied with smears, personal
> invective, gratuituous comments, etc."

Bosco responded:

Even more distortions!!

Mario responds:

I have clearly shown that Bosco has been engaged in unsubstantiated and abusive 
allegations of distortion, while he is unable to show a single distortion I 
have made on Canadian health care.

Mario previously wrote:

> Readers should make up their own minds as to who is really engaging in
> "distortions, smearing, personal invective and gratuitous comments."

Bosco responded:

Nobody is reading your bhashans. If you are looking for "distortions, 
smearing, personal invective and gratuitous comments", read what you write.

Mario responds:

Once again Bosco avoids the topic, which is the 'imploding" Canadian health 
care system, and engages in smears, slander and calumny instead.

Mario previously wrote:

> Here we see Bosco suggesting that the last word on this subject
> should be his deliberate DISTORTIONS AND half-truths about the
> Canadian health care system, which the incoming President of the
> Canadian Medical Association recently said was "imploding".

Bosco responded:

You are not a Canadian and neither do you live in Canada. Cut-and-paste 
artistry will not help you understand issues. You have no idea of reality in 

Mario responds:

I don't have to be a chicken to know how to lay an egg.  The new President of 
the Canadian Medical Association, Dr. Ann Doig, who obviously knows far more 
than you do about Canadian health care while you have been burying your head in 
the sand, said just a few days ago that the system is "imploding".  

A previous President of the CMA, Dr. Bryan Day, said last week that 5 million 
Canadians [15% of the population] have no primary care physician, one million 
are on waiting lists for surgery and another million on a waiting list to see a 
surgeon to get on another waiting list for the actual surgery.  Tsk, tsk, tsk.  
In the US, no waiting lists for serious medican situations, even for those who 
cannot pay.

In the meantime all Bosco can do is call these facts "distortions', without 
providing any facts or examples on behalf of his claims.

Mario previously wrote:

> Just in case Bosco doesn't understand what the word means,
> "imploding" means, "to break down or fall apart from within."

Bosco responded:

I can see your constant bouts of last-wordism on every issue is leading 
you to implode with regularity. Sometimes you are wrong! Just plain wrong but 
continue to froth and squirm.

Mario responds:

This has nothing to do with "last wordism" or about any other topic.  It has 
everything to do with the truth, which you are denying when it comes to the 
Canadian health care system.

There are many comments on Goanet I do not need to correct because the posters 
have used real facts to go with their opinions, regardless of whether I agree 
with their opinions or not.  You have been writing baseless comments and then 
lashing out at my documented information exposing those as bogus. 

Mario previously wrote:

> Bosco and Mervyn are "within" the Canadian health care system and
> by denying facts and incoherently lashing out at honest criticisms,
> are inhibiting any rational discussion as to what can be done about
> that sorry situation, at least in this forum.

Bosco responded:

You demonstrate with regularity, you are not capable of rational 
discussion. guessed it.......distortions, smearing, directing 
personal invective at others alongwith gratuitous comments. When you stop all 
this, I will gladly indulge in rational discussion with you.

Mario responds:

This topic is not about other posts that I may have responded to with 

Rational discussion is something you have never engaged in on this topic.  You 
will be unable to show us a single post where either you or Mervyn has 
acknowledged the truth about the health care waiting lists in Canada or that 
the system is imploding due to a mismatch of resources with needs.  On the 
other hand Mervyn has claimed the system is less costly which is obviously why 
it is imploding.

Bosco wrote:

Say NO to Plagiarism from the cut-and-paste artists!!

Mario responds:

Say NO to those who deny the truth in a public forum!!

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