What is your good name?
Goan Catholics on a first name basis

By Cecil Pinto

My book on Goan Catholics names, published in 2002, received tremendous 
acclaim and went into its third print run recently. I am planning to re-write 
certain sections, to more accurately mirror current naming conventions, and 
re-release the book in 2010.

For those of you who have not read the original book I am excerpting a few 
below. Please send me feedback and personal anecdotes which I can insert into 
next edition.

Excerpts from the book Child Naming Conventions of Goan Catholics by Cecil 
(Pp. 240, Hardbound - Abbe Faria Productions © 2002)

"The Goan Hindus have always followed religious and cultural convention while 
their children. There has been little or no variance over the centuries. The 
Catholics on the other hand are very adventurous, in an anthroponomastic sense, 
shows interesting discernible waves and patterns which can be scientifically 
enumerated and categorised."

"Before the Portuguese arrived the Goan Catholics had no proper names. They 
used to call each other Bhau, Bai, Bappa, Lapitt, Soku, Oie etc. In fact before 
Portuguese arrived there were not many Catholics in Goa."

"The Portuguese converted many of the Hindus to Catholicism and gave them 
Please do not confuse First Names with Surnames. The process of giving the new 
converts surnames was complex and involved the surname of the Portuguese 
the caste and clan of the converted person and some phonetic similarity. This I 
covered in my 1997 book Goan Catholic Surnames - Clan, Caste & Kashti. So for 
example a Pundalik Prabhu would become a Pascoal Pinto"

"The native Goans were clueless on what First Names to take. The Portuguese 
them a large printed sheet of paper called an Almanac (pronounced al-man-ac) 
basically had a Catholic saint for every day of the year. So depending on your 
of birth you take that particular saint's name. Gender issues did crop up. 
became Adolphine and Mary became Mario but some names remained neutral like 
Piedade and Innocence causing much trauma and sexual confusion for these named 

"No sooner the first printing press in Asia arrived in Goa a young entrepreneur 
named Dominic Savio printed minature credit card sized copies of this Almanac. 
father of the child would just whip out the handy Dominic Savio Card from his 
wallet, check the date, and viola, there was the name. The villagers of 
Benaulim and 
surrounding areas never quite understood the concept and hence a lot of 
and even a few Hindus, there are named Dominic and Savio. Of course the people 
this area take their names from the oddest of sources - dead British Prime 
Ministers, Walt Disney characters, what have you."

"Laminated Domnic Savio Cards were available till very recently but are now 
collectors items, like those signs saying 'I gave on cash I gave on credit' 
with a 
fat shopkeeper and a thin impoverished guy with a lot of debtors."

"Of course Goans, being the way they are, this naming trend did not last for 
There was rebellion. People started naming their children after the local 
saint - Alex in Calangute, Anne in Ponda, Thomas in Aldona, Conception in 
Reception at Alva-Mar, Parra etc"

"After a particularly troublesome delivery, as happened often in those days, it 
tradition to name the child after the attendant doctor. This didn't make a 
difference because the doctor was originally named after a saint anyway. Unless 
was a Hindu doctor. In which case an advert was put in the local papers 
thanking the 
doctor and the Dominic Savio Card was referred to, as always. This tradition of 
placing an advert still carries on to date but its origins are forgotten."

"Often respect had to be given to a particularly rich or influential dead 
or relative. So for example an expectant mother would name her child Cecilia in 
advance after a recently deceased grandmother. When the child was born and 
found to 
be male the name was quickly shortened to Cecil."

"All was well until Liberation in 1961. Hundreds of thousands of Goan Catholics 
were exposed to All India Radio and those who didn't die of boredom were 
updated on 
what was happening in the world. People turned on their radios and heard about 
great happenings of the Sixties. This was a period of heroic names like Neil, 
Armstrong, John, Kennedy, Martin, Luther, Ernesto, Lyndon, Johnson, Julie, 
etc. A confusing period for the children, especially the hundred odd who were 
after Ringo, Evita, Hendrix, Sonny & Cher."

"Interestingly in the early Seventies a few priests took up Hindu names like 
Sanyas and Fr. Vipassana. Parent's followed suit and gave children names like 
Nirmal, Jyoti, Avinash & Nash. Curiously despite their nationalistic fervor 
used Goan Hindu names like Damodar, Sundorem, Sakaram, Pandurang, Ganpat, 
Shunvtem, Tukaram, and Bhimlo."

"Politically correct people point out that these are Indian names and not Hindu 
names. This is untrue. Abdul and Hasina and Rosemary and Homi are as Indian as 
and Shyam. At the least they can be called Sanskrit names."

"A few years down the line there was a minority backlash against these Hindu 
and the Catholics reverted to the Holy Book and used Biblical names like Aaron, 
Daniel, Saraf, Cleophas, Ruth and Demetrius. Some took the anti-Sanskrit 
to its extreme and used names that were totally culture contrary like Stacy, 
Fidel and Kurt."

"In the early Nineties a strange trend came into being, uniquely first in the 
civilised universe - combi-names. Such combi-names had been used earlier by 
Catholics to name their newly built RCC bungalows. But now they started giving 
combi-names to their children. A combi-name consists of a combination of the 
of the Father and Mother. For example Edlen from Edwin-Helen, Loubert from 
Lourdes-Albert, Fremella from Frederick-Pamella, Luiza from Luis-Eliza."

"An earlier book of mine, Residence and Vehicle Names in Goa, touches on this 
subject, but briefly. There are 227 RCC bungalows in Goa named God's Gift and 
Maruti Vans named Jesus Saves"

"Another common convention is to name all children with the same starting 
letter of 
the alphabet. A couple in Assagao has twelve children named - Austin, 
Alan, Audrey, Auspicio, Alba, Abigail, Anastasia, Anthony, Astrid, Alice and 
Amen!"   (ENDS)

The column above appeared in Gomantak Times dated 10th September 2009

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