Dear Francis,

I am relieved to know that Isabel Joanes is your friend, and that you are aware 
that she is using your IP address to post on Goanet.. However, I am surprised 
that you are intrigued about my attempt to verify her identity. Perhaps, you 
have not read her introductory post on Goanet. It is quite unusual for regular 
folk to use their first Goanet post to attack others. She used her introductory 
post to publicly insinuate that people associated with the Goenchem Prize were 
perpetrating a scam, and misusing other people’s money. So please forgive me 
for continuing to be skeptical of her.

In any case I have responded to her probing questions and insinuations in the 
following post of mine, and have asked her for further clarifications:

I await her reply. 

I hope she has a fun visit with you in Canada, and by chatting with other 
Goanetters like Bosco and Mervyn, is able to satisfy her curiosity regarding 
Goanet and its archives. Perhaps, at the end of her stay she can post a nice 
report to Goanet about her visit. I look forward to seeing  more of her 
contributions to Goanet in the immediate future.



P.S. BTW, do you know someone by the name of Waylusha?

--- On Sun, 9/13/09, Francis Rodrigues <> wrote:
> Dear Santosh,
> I've just seen your message online - and am dashing off a
> quick
> response with yours copied basic (I get the Digest, so will
> only
> receive the full message/s tomorrow)....
> Anyway -
> I would like to say Isabel is related, but she's not!!
> She's just
> an old friend visiting from Mumbai for the Film Festival
> and hoping
> to see another "Freida Pinto!" I took the liberty of
> introducing
> her to Goanet, and she subscribed whilst here - she seems
> quite
> enamoured with Holy Mother the Church and Fr. Ivo - so you
> can
> guess she's not going to be a great fan of yours! In fact I
> did
> remark to Bosco too earlier today on the same and the
> great
> difference in civility on both sides of your "cancer"
> debate.
> Isabel is using our/her laptops, but our connection, I
> guess I don't
> have to explain the rest to you! She's been having fun
> going through
> the Goanet archives (something I've never managed to do!),
> and I'm
> sure will dredge up a lot more interesting stuff, so it's
> best to
> be wary!
> She's entitled to her own opinions of course - but what
> really
> intrigues me is why would one have to be so sensitive or
> take the
> trouble to trace headers and IP addresses - unless Isabel
> has hit
> a sensitive nerve!!! Well, good for her on her first foray.
> But I
> suggest you address her concerns if legit! You have my
> number and
> can speak to her if you wish - it's 4.30 am now, and I'm
> the only
> one still awake though - but that would seem a little
> ridiculous!
> Well, I wish you luck in your debates!
> Am out!
> Francis.

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