A cool dude?!

I have often asked Indians in New York -- as to why is it that they very,
very rarely call the coolest white Americans a Dude or a cool dude, while
they do apply that term largely for African Americans. And why is it they it
comes across as cool duuud (the coolest milk!) and when said to me--man, you
are such a cuuul duuuud. Anyway. Besides that, can you see/imagine the two
udders? Look at all those conjoined U's. Hahahaahahaha.

IMHO, and my not being connected to royal or aristocratic families as yet, I
feel it would INDEED be sad if any prince was not cool. And sadly all
considered -- many are not.

But what really is cool, being the coolest? That is one of the most
ambiguous words traipsing around in our time. Used so much in advertising --
I hear it every day. Kool hem kool tem.



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