You must grow up for once.

Churchill is a smart fellow. He is doing the distribution when the election code of conduct does not exist. Can anyone stop him or his ilk in servicing his constituents? Everyone does it, maybe not with sarees.

The point is, servicing constituents by MLAs like how Churchill is doing, must be banned by the parties the Churchills of this world belong to. Does the Congress Party ban such blatant vote purchasing, even if it means spending his own money? There is something called the ED (Enforcement Directorate), isn't there? to investigate the source of this personal money?

For Samir's kind information, the Goa Su-Raj Party prohibits such individual distribution of largesse by its elected persons. But the party encourages the CWCs [Constituency Working Committees] to spend 70% of the funds it collects from the constituency on itself ( for its own expansion) or on its constituents (scholarships to deserving students, housing the needy aged into aged homes, footing the medical bills of have nots if required or even building MOPA airports :-)) it it feels like and has the necessary resources BUT cannot organize and/or finance a 'puja' or a chapel/church 'feast' etc. i.e. spend a single pie on GODs ( who don't eat or need money) from the constituency funds.

In time, Samir will see that the crows do not get old but become spirited and younger and the flames that florianos of this world have started or will start will engulf the shallow Churchills and Mickeys and Vishwajeets and Babushes and Narvekars of this world in good time and char them beyond recognition at the individual polling booths. Maybe this is a dream but this dream must come true for Samir, me and every other living GOAN before it is too late.


PS: I have decided to 'network' for change. How about you???

---Wanted for Goa---
honest ' fighters '
NOT honest ' hypocrites '


----- Original Message ----- From: "Samir Kelekar" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 10:46 AM
Subject: [Goanet] Churchill distributes free sarees to Muslim women,and lighting fires Floriano style
Churchill distributes free sarees to Muslim women

Remember, each one of this will probably translate into a vote in the
next election. Also, it is well known
where is the source of this income. Unless one nails
this source, no amount of lighting fires Floriano style will work.


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