Mario wrote:

Here we see some glimmer of wheat among all the chaff.  However, this 
self-proclaimed paragon of libertarianism 
and free market principles, who nevertheless thought it wise to help the most 
radical left winger in US history elected President by relentlessly attacking 
his opponents with a barrage of selected half-truths, doesn't think it is a 
priority that the 1,300 health insurance programs who control payments for most 
private medical services in the US are not allowed to freely compete nationwide 
as all other insurance programs have to do.
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 09:41:47 -0700 (PDT)
From: marlon menezes <>

Sure I want insurance companies to be able to sell insurance across state 
lines. When did I said I was against it?

Mario responds:

When did you say you were for it?  You clearly did not until now, after I 
pointed this out.

Without this reform, in addition to tort reform, there is no way to reduce 
health care costs across the board.

Marlon wrote:

It would not have helped me when I had my injury though, because I was able to 
get medical treatment within the state I was visiting - I just had to drive 2.5 
hours to a nearby city with a busted shoulder to get it. 

Mario responds:

Sigh!  You obviously haven't understood the issue.  You could also have been 
able to get your damaged car fixed in another state if you were involved in an 
accident there and paid by your car insurance.  However, you can buy your car 
insurance from companies that compete for your business nationwide, whereas you 
can only buy private health insurance from companies restricted to selling 
policies only in your state.  This is why we end up with 1,300 health insurance 
companies each with correspondingly smaller portfolios, which increases their 
risk, which increases their premiums, which increases health care costs.  Wise 
up, Marlon.

Marlon wrote:

As for the US elections that you keep shedding tears about, last time I 
checked, I was not supporting Obama - not that I liked Bimbo Palin either. My 
choice was Republican candidate Ron Paul.

The fact remains that the mostly incompetent and sometimes, immoral and 
anti-constitutional policies of the Cheney administration led to vast 
disillusment of the US replublican party, leading to an extreme counter revolt 
by the US electorate and hence the current left leaning US president. 

Mario responds:

Thanks for making my point better than I ever could about how people like you 
put Obama in office.

In his comments above we see Marlon unintentionally admit that he is happy to 
see Obama in office - because he is not shedding any tears over the last 

This is exactly what I meant previously.  Ron Paul was never in the running, 
except at Marlon's house.  Shows how out of touch Marlon was last year, and 
apparently continues to be this year.

Marlon doesn't even know what the last administration was.  These comments 
clearly show how narrow minded people with bogus concerns and dangerous 
delusions like "immoral and anti-constitutional policies" by the "Cheney 
administration", were unable to see the big picture, got Obama elected, and put 
the country from the frying pan into the fire. 

There are no simple solutions, Marlon, only intelligent choices, and the narrow 
minded choices of people like you have put us where we are now.

Marlon wrote:

Never mind, in Goan politics, there is no choice between left or right, but 
rather a choice between corrupt and communal.

Mario responds:

As if the current US administration with its close working ties to corrupt 
organizations like ACORN and the Trial Lawyers and the ACLU, corrupt tax cheats 
like Tim Geithner, Tom Daschle and Charlie Rangel, and its constitutionally 
questionable stable of White House Czars who are interfering with 
the constitutional responsibilities of Cabinet Secretaries, is much better than 
what is going on in Goa.  Thankfully, some of these Czars are now being exposed 
as coming from the most radical left wing fringe of American politics, which 
has blown their cover and will slow the damage they were hired to create.

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