The Duty of the Christian Business Man (or anyone engaged in having to see
the other as himself--vjp) “Is it possible for a man to be engaged in the
activities of our modern life and yet to be a Christian? Is it possible for
a man to be a broker, a shopkeeper, a lawyer, a mechanic, is it possible for
a man to be engaged in a business of today, and yet love his God and his
fellow-man as himself?” --Phillips Brooks, (1835-1893)
I do not know how any man can stand and plead with his brethren for the
higher life, that they will enter into and make their own the life of Christ
and God, unless he is perpetually conscious that around them with whom he
pleads there is the perpetual pleading and the voice of God Himself. Unless
a man believes that, everything that he has to say must seem, in the first
place, impertinent, and, in the second place, almost absolutely hopeless.
Who is man that he shall plead with his fellow-man for the change of a life,
for the entrance into a whole new career, for the alteration of a spirit,
for the surrounding of himself with a new region in which he has not lived

venantius j pinto

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