What about those of us who have both cristian and hindu names? If read in an 
alternate direction, my name is Nolram. Unlike all those cowardly cristian 
infant fluent speaking newborns who willfully chose hindu names, I was born 
mute.  Thankfully  a diet rich in the holy Goan trinity (feni, sausages, cashew 
nuts), inspired my parents to choose a name that paid homage to all the gods. 
Like you I  wish and bray that the Lard will inspire more parents to be more 
daring in their choice of names for their children who are unable to speak 7 
languages at birth. My favorite Goan Christian name is Leitao, as it is one of 
the key ingredients of the holy Goan trinity. May people with such names be 
unfraid, such they they boldly face persecution, ridicule and even emotional 
torture. May the Lard give these believers in the Goan trinity the courage that 
they do not hide their faith in the power of the sausage.
Praise the Lard,

----- Original Message ----
From: Jorge Dias <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 2:32:20 AM

Those Christians in India who are operating with Hindu names are doing this
to protect their skin from Hindu facist forces. May God give these
christians the courage that they do not hide their christian faith.

May God also give the Clergy the wisdom and vision that they guide their
flocks in the right direction and utilize church resources and properties
for the welfare and upliftment of the poor catholics of their parish.

May God also give the Christian missionaries the courage to preach the
Gospel of Christ where the upper caste hindus and brahmins live and not just
where the dalits, tribals and slumdwellers live.

A *Christian* Warrior is someone who is not afraid to pick up their cross
and follow Christ. They know that to live is Christ, and to die is gain, and
they are willing to give what they cannot keep to gain what they cannot
lose. They live by The Vision. They wake up every morning prepared for
battle, waging the war against sin and death so that all might come to life
in Christ. They are fearless. Unafraid, they boldly face persecution,
ridicule, and even torture with unwavering faith and a steadfast heart.

Their battles are often silent.
Their victories go unnoticed by the world.
They fight not against people, but against sin.
They do not strive for earthly treasure, but for heavenly rewards.
They wield the weapons of truth, prayer, and love.

God Bless You.
Jorge Dias.

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