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 23 september, 2009

 Goa activists cannon fodder for political ends
 Activism in Goa is of the short term because most are politically
backed. Activists are pushed onto the streets during agitations and
then left to fend for themselves, say leading activists in Goa. Read

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 Parrikar's pickle remark and a hungry media
 Goa's opposition leader Mr Manohar Parrikar ruffled a few feathers
in the BJP headquarters in New Delhi after he reportedly compared
BJP's numero uno, L K Advani to a rancid pickle. But was it a media
hungry for a story? Read More

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 Discussion on combating sex tourism
 'Friday Balcao' discussion series will be held on 25th September
from 4pm. to 6pm. at Goa Desc Resource Centre. Read More

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 Round 2 of Democracy Video Challenge opens
 On the occasion of International Day of Democracy, the US State
Department announced the second round of the Democracy Video Challenge
- create a video short that completes the phrase "Democracy is..."
Read More

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 The Village Tinto is a community media initiative where diverse and
divergent voices can come together on a single platform. Moulded on
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 The Tinto is about news and current affairs, opinions, culture, art,
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