Kuwait Indian Football New Season Updates
Kuwait: The Extra-Ordinary General meeting of the Kuwait Indian Football 
Federation (KIFF) with the football teams’ representatives held on 28th 
September 2009 at Village Inn, Kuwait City, was very chaotic with some times 
threatening to withdraw their teams from the KIFF fold and participation.  It 
was a near failure to redress the important issues placed before KIFF relating 
to the smooth organizing of football tournaments, ground selection and 
“The start of the season which was scheduled to start on 2nd October 2009 has 
now been further delayed as KIFF could not get qualified referees to carry on 
as well as a 'ground' ,” remarked a team’s representative who attended the 
It is to be also pointed out that the 'dictorial' ban on players - who are 
qualified members of an independent refereeing body [IFRA and whose 
contribution to football in Kuwait is well recognised and documented] 
-  refusing to officiate 'as KIFF referees' was REMOVED courtesy to the efforts 
of some Goan clubs.   This 'unjustified ban' was dictated by some members 
(some past-presidents of the Federation] and who often shuffle themselves 
from one team one year and next migrate to another team as representatives, 
just to show themselves attending meetings and be seen on press cuttings, with 
no worthwhile contribution.   Such characters are also supported by one blogger 
for his own interest in soliciting event sponsorships. 
The so-called stalwarts [and often self-glorified] founder members of KIFF were 
shown the 'door' by the younger members at the house!   This actually happened 
at the meeting and is now jokingly 'considered' one of the major highlights of 
the evening when one of the 'KIFF constitution interpreter' had to walk away 
from the meeting as his biased views and arrogant attitude was not tolerated  
by the members present.   
“Efforts to bring down the new KIFF managing committee is only because of 
destructive thinking and personal egos, but we will never be a part of such 
minds,” countered a Goan member of KIFF committee.. 
When asked about the rumours circulating on the Net, “KIFF is not dissolved and 
will not be dissolved at any time as all the football teams, players/members 
and organizers are passionate about the game...... but attitude and egos of 
'seniors' have to be shelved,” remarked another football fanatic. 
"We will compromise to reach at an amicable solution", as past KIFF president 
who served for a few terms was overheard as saying.   
It is also noted that a particular KIFF member had the audicity to welcome one 
particular club representative to join in to be the KIFF nominated 'referees 
administrator' to find a solution, when the same group exactly a year ago 
ensured that no newcomers can 'contest' general elections and KIFF president 
post and again passed on a 'resolution' contravening the KIFF 
constitution.  This was pointed out by the two-year old club rep.  which 
created a humourous situation for all.  When questioned about the strength of 
suggested 'referees', KIFF could mutter just a 2-3 names, for which the team 
representatives expressed their displeasure.  
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, one should not forget 
Newton's Law, a long time Indian watching football from the Al-Sour Ground days 
In the meantime, there will be a 8-a-side one day football 
tournament on Friday, 2nd October 2009, with Indian Football Referees 
Association (IFRA) officiating at the Digital Grounds, Kuwait City, as per 
information received by www.goa-world.com last evening.
It's high time KIFF recognises the fact that the spring time is the best to 
play 'football' in Kuwait rather than making the players sweat it out in 45 
Degree heat.  It is also to be observed that tournament matches are not played 
on important religious days of significance - as per the moods and fancies.  
And most importantly adhere to the KIFF constitution!
I.F.R.A, K.I.F.F and the memory of late J.P.D'Mello 
The Indian Football Referees Association (I.F.R.A.) has been one organization 
which has given an immense goodwill to Indian football in Kuwait. Since 1980, 
the association has trained and recruited new referees as its members and 
provided services for football matches. The late J.P. D'Mello, Founder 
President of the Association was the one instrumental in forming the current 
Kuwait Indian Football Federation (K.I.F.F) and its constitution. His memory 
has been justly kept alive by KIFF through its affiliated Indian football 
teams/clubs/associations by naming the KIFF League after him.  May his soul 
rest in peace. 
The Kuwait Indian Football Federation (K.I.F.F) established in 1983 controls 
all Indian expatriate football activities in Kuwait. In the recently concluded 
season, a total of 18 teams were registered with the federation with over 400 
players displaying their skills every Friday morning. Apart from the League, 4 
regular tournaments and 5 Seven-a-side tournaments are held under KIFF every 
season. The KIFF celebrated 25 glorious years of its existence recently.  For 
over 30 years, Indian clubs and associations have strived to ensure development 
of individual players while teaching the importance of team effort, fair 
competition, discipline and good sportsmanship.

Players, officials, clubs may come and go. 
But Indian football, for sure, will remain a Winner in Kuwait for a long time, 
so also the Indian Football Referees Association (IFRA) - for the love of the 
-         by gaspar almeida, www.goa-world.com 
(c) All rights reserved. 

KIFF-Kuwait elects new managing committee 
Legacy of Indian Football in Kuwait...24/07/2008 
Legends of Indian Football...31/05/2007 
Loss of Soor Grounds... 21/07/2007 


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