3,10.09  Saturday.

Good gardeners are proud of their gardens.
The guard and protect the garden with unrivalled  zeal; like proud
soldiers, and  enthusiastic parents. They make certain that no
contamination ever enters, pests and parasites are severely dealt
with. Weeds are rooted out...

Worries and anxieties
Hate and revenge
Pride and prejudice
Jealously and anger
Fear and insecurity
Fretting about the past
Brooding over the future.

One's mind could be compared to a garden.

The list can be endless...
The garden cannot be benefited by such toxic waste.

Some helpful insights:
Take ONE day at a time with an attitude of:
"Jesus Christ died yesterday, ROSE to-day and
will return tomorrow"

"Because He lives I can face tomorrow"  His resurection
power is available by faith for asking. Live for the day, for the hour/minute.

Mind management is the essense of life management. Get
rid of tyranny of impoverished thinking.


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