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The caring, helping musician: Filipeneri 'Filu' Fortes

By Nisser Dias.

'Filu' Fortes is equally well known as a musician, and as a
beautiful person -- always smiling, witty and ready to help,
assist and even pass on his musical skills to others. However
hard Filipeneri Fortes, popularly known as Filu, might try to
maintain a low profile, his fame in the music scene in Goa
precedes him.

Born on October 7, 1959 in the historical village of Orlim,
this son of the village turns 50 today. Friends, admirers and
well wishers salute Filu -- not only for his achievements in
music, but for what he is. An upright man who cherishes
values, morals and principles inculcated in him by his
parents late Antonio and Bielina Fortes.

Similar to his surname, music has been his forte. For the
past quarter century, Filu has been part of the music
industry and has entertained thousands of people, be it in
starred hotels, restaurants, shows and dances. He has
performed at almost major shows and dances in Goa in the
company of his wife Lulu.

Filu and his musicians have received accolades wherever they
have performed -- in Goa, the rest of India, or overseas. But
till date he is steadfast to his mantra of practice. Filu
fondly remembers his mentor Socorro D'Mello, who introduced
him to music and guided him to first strum.

          However, it has not been a cakewalk for this
          musician. Filu started his music career playing for
          Konkani tiatrs. He has the distinction of being a
          part of the group playing for late M. Boyer's
          famous tiatr 'Ghor Dhuki Gaum Sukhi'. He played for
          John Claro's tiatr, 'Portuguese Kolvontt' which
          completed 100 shows. He also played for Prem
          Kumar's tiatr 'Khotto Poiso'.

Besides, in his earlier days, he was part of the Gemini
circus troupe. Filu made his entry into professional music
industry by joining erstwhile 'Hard Rocks'.

In 1985, Goa's own grandmaster of music Emiliano D'Cruz roped
in Filu and formed "Emiliano and his Caballero's". For five
years this group played in most of the Taj hotels in the
country, besides in Goa, and enthralled thousands of Taj
guests. Emiliano and his Caballero's also have the
distinction of performing for the San Paulo football team
during their tour of India.

Year 1990 is the year that Filu cannot forget. After years of
courting singing sensation Lulu, they tied the knot in
January and before they could even give birth to their first
child, gave birth to their music group. In August 1990, they
formed 'Campaineiros' along with Augustine.

As years passed, Filu was part of one group or the other,
catering to the changing tune and tone of the music industry.
He has performed with top musicians like James, Juju and
the late Arnold.

          Filu had a close friend in the late Chris Perry; so
          special was Filu to the departed musician that he
          composed the song 'Nirmonn' for Lulu and Filu. They
          also played for Chris Perry's shows and after his
          death released a music CD in his memory backed by
          the band "Rhythm and Blues".

Undoubtedly, the music industry in Goa is riddled with
competition. However the one facet of Filu that endears him
to all and everyone is his give-all attitude. He simply does
not believe in rivalry. Just like he has no fears of jamming
up with musicians of any calibre, he has no reservations
about performing shoulder to shoulder with youngsters. Infact
many youngsters look up to Filu either as their guide and

As per the demands of the industry, Filu can hook up any
musician and meet the requirement. Currently he performs with
the Fortes Trio, consisting of his wife Lulu, Michael and
himself. They have performed in Doha Qatar, Kuwait and for
last three consecutive years in Tanzania for World Goa Day.

          Filu's love of Goa and the Goan ways of life is
          intense. Of course he has inculcated this trait
          from his late father Antonio, for whom promoting
          culture and tradition came foremost. Be it
          'Carnaval' or Christmas, Filu has always been in
          the forefront. And the village of Orlim always
          looks upon him to take the lead.

As dynamic as the music industry is, so is Filu. He has kept
pace with the changing moods and demands of the industry.
Somewhere along the line, this great son of Orlim formed the
first Goan folk troupe and showcased to the world Goan
culture and traditions through song and music.

          In the year 1990, Filu trained a group of young
          children to sing Christmas carols and called them
          the 'Mistletoe Carolers'. With this group, Filu
          heightens the spirit of Christmas in the village
          year after year, besides serenading in hotels. Till
          date he conducts the Mistletoe Carolers, but,
          interestingly, some children of original members of
          'Mistletoe Carolers' are now part of it, and these
          are the friends, touched by Filu, who are
          celebrating his 50th birthday.

It is said that "Music washes away from the soul the dust of
everyday life". This is a saying for some, but Filu lives it.
Besides guiding youngsters in music, he is also imparting
virtues of music to his two girls, Nezba and Lyona. And
following in their parents' legacy, both of them are evolving
into great singers.

Music is Filu's passion, but his other hobbies are sports,
during his younger years he represented the Orlim volleyball
team; he loves ballroom dancing and encourages youth to learn
ballroom dancing. Christmas time brings out the creativity in
Filu. He loves decorating his house with unique décor Filu
says he lives an old proverb, "All that is worth cherishing
in this world begins in the heart and not the head".


Filu Fortes is a progressive, talented musician, enthusiastic
with great organization skills. He is kind hearted and always
strives to bring up young musicians. -- Emiliano D'cruz.

He is a gentleman, unassuming, down to earth person. Many
musician owe a lot to him. -- Mercy Fernandes (saxaphone and

Filu is a gem of a person, he is trustworthy and simple. I
look upon him for guidance. -- Iggi (keyboards and vocalist)

Filu is a very good musician. He is devoted to music. --
Agustine D'Cruz

He is an inspiration to me. Helped me all the way. Encouraged
me to set higher goals then I had set for my self. He is a
guru to upcoming musicians. -- Neil (rhythm and vocalist)

Filu is fun loving and good at heart. He appreciates
everyones talents. He never says no to anyones who approaches
him for any help. -- Ilan Martins (crummer and co-villager)

I got into music scene because of Filu, he taught me to play.
He still guides me though I am not in his group. I am what I
am is because of him. -- Darly Gomes (lead and vocalist.
nephew of Filu).

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