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Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 08:12:57 -0400
From: MD <mmdme...@gmail.com>

The below statement speaks for itself, although the naming of US
President Obama for the Nobel Peace award, not only surprised President Obama, 
but many including me.  But the below statement from the committee and the 
awardee, probably justifies the decision. However, it was premature to blame 
'lobbyists' for this decision.

May the World be a better and safer place to live.

Maurice D.


"Speaking at the White House hours after the Norwegian Nobel Prize
Committee named him as a surprise winner, he said the award should be a "call 
to action". The world faced challenges that "cannot be met by one person or by 
one nation alone," Mr Obama said.

Mario observes:

It would be nice if the other nations had the gumption to help.  This is what 
the UN was set up to do, but when was the last time the UN has resolved any 
REAL conflict, including the long simmering ones in Kashmir and the middle-east 
and the massacres in Rwanda, Burundi, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Somalia and Congo?

I think Obama was more embarrassed than humbled.  The only honest thing he has 
said recently is that he did not deserve the award, which is pretty obvious.  
It is absurd to give someone an award who doesn't have a single related 
achievement before he became president or since, based only on words read off a 
teleprompter.  He couldn't even talk to the Olympic Committee without his 

Obama has been calling the world to action from the day he became president.  
All he has gotten in return in any tangible terms is the same thing Bush got, 
i.e. NOTHING.  Zero, zip, nada, nyet.  On the other hand Sarkozy called him so 
egotistical that his naivete cannot be fixed.  The Olympic committee, in 
effect, laughed him and his entourage out of the room.

Everyone seems to forget that Bush tried for MONTHS to get the UN to assist in 
bringing Saddam Hussein to justice.  Before that he tried for MONTHS to get the 
UN to help him with the Taliban to give up Osama Bin Laden.  What he got was 
NOTHING.  Zero, zip, nada, nyet.  Only after the French Foreign minister, 
Dominic de Villepin said that they would veto any further resolutions on Iraq 
"no matter what", did Bush decide to go with the smaller coalition, with the 
Aussies and the Brits providing troop support and a host of other smaller 
countries providing minor or nominal support.

What makes this particular award such a cruel and cynical farce at this time is 
that, precisely because of Obama, all the enemies of America are emboldened and 
on the march, just like they were before 9/11.

N. Korea and Iran have accelerated their nuclear programs, the Czech Republic 
and Poland have been left with the promised missile defenses, Libyan leader 
Khaddafi has woken up from his funk after Saddam was deposed and is now talking 
about an alliance with Venezuela.

If Reagan had been like Obama the Soviet Union would have run roughshod over 
the world, which was their stated objective.

It is strength and resolve that maintains world peace as we saw during the long 
Cold War.  Words only give the tyrants more time to make their preparations as 
we are seeing in N. Korea and Iran.

God help us all in the years to come.

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