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----- Original Message ----- From: floriano
To: Ashwin Tombat ; Herald
Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2009 5:18 PM
Subject: A message on Your One Hundred Years of Fortitude

Dear esteemed editor, Mr. Ashwin Tombat, Executive editor Mr. Raul Fernandes,

The Goa Su-Raj Party takes the utmost pleasure in wishing you .... o Heraldo o - Herald ... combined ... many, many happy returns of the past century and continue wishing it more fruitful innings for future centuries to come.

Yours is the story of fortitude and perseverance and for that this fledgling party commends and congratulates you.

There was an instance, very early in the life of this party when I had personally approached your esteemed editor, Mr. Rajan Narayan, who now, by the way, happens to be my good friend, for the reason of wanting to know if he felt that this newly formed party (at that time) had some crippling deficiencies that made him ignore any and/or all press statements/press releases issued by this party. And his spontaneous response to me was:

Tum poilem kitem korun dakhoi, then we shall print

This was my most spontaneous reply to that:
Vhoi - Ami tuka kiteim punn korun dacoiteleaum - Punn tuca hassoum'cheak margar nagde nasche'naum

And, in the same breath I had asked him if he had understood what I said. When he shook his head, this is what I had told him. " All the more reason for you not to talk to a native in his native tongue'.

That apart, I like the line in your write-up/editorial of today when you say you had no mine owners to draw financial support from, no vested interests to protect. Likewise, when this party was formed, it was formed for Goa and Goans with no ulterior motives, no mine owners and big business sharks to finance it and no vested interests to protect. Sixteen persons signed the charter for ' GOOD EFFECTIVE GOVERNANCE' for Goa, hoping that our various political parties would follow it for Goa's sake, but finding this to be a most impossible task, took on the mantle themselves by inventing GOA SU-RAJ PARTY. It has been a long track of 10 years, the road having been rough, but nevertheless, track it we will, even if Goans fail to realize its real intentions.

And, just like o Herald o  and  Herald, we shall taste the victory one day.

Thank you, big brother, for this much needed lesson in 'fortitude and perseverance'.

floriano lobo
Gen. Secretary/spokesperson
Goa Su-Raj Party

---Wanted for Goa---
honest ' fighters '
NOT honest ' hypocrites '

(The Recruiting Agents)

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