* G * O * A * N * E * T **** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Planning to get married in Goa?


Making your 'dream wedding' possible


US President Barack Obama prays after lighting an oil lamp to celebrate Diwali 
as Hindu priest Sri Narayanachar Digalokote recites mantras in the East Room 
of the White House in Washington.

floriano wrote:
> What next?
> Osama Bin Laden and Barack Obama breaking fast together on one of the many 
> Muslim Ids?

OBL is a creation of the USA. He was singled out, trained, nurtured and financed
by the CIA. I would not be surprised if he was also entertained at the White 
while he was the USA's main man in Afghanistan.

> ! O' United States of America ...... Thy real name is  SECULARISM indeed !

Thanks to Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Obama Hussien Obama, all religions, all 
the religious and all the non-religious are welcome at the White House. The USA
is on the way to being a secular republic at last! And what makes this ever so 
delicious is that just a few months ago, this seemed like an impossible dream.

Now, I have a bonus for you. This morning I was sent proof that Obama is a Goan.
I watched a video of him jamming and singing in Konkani. Yes, you guess right. 
Obama is in what looks like Kenya singing that great Konkani hit, Malaika.

I can send the video attachment to anyone who is interested.


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