Please beware of information gathered from this website. It is highly 
unreliable as far as ethical practice of medicine is concerned. Here is what 
Quackwatch has reported on it:

FDA Orders Dr. Joseph Mercola to Stop Illegal Claims
Stephen Barrett, M.D.

Joseph Mercola, D.O., who practices in Schaumburg, Illinois, also operates one 
of the Internet's largest and most popular health information sites. Mercola 
states that his site has over 50,000 pages and is visited by "millions of 
people each day" [1] and his three-times-a-week electronic newsletter has over 
850,000 subscribers [2]. In 2004, Medical Economics reported that his practice 
employed 50 people and that he employed 15 people to run his newsletter, 
including three editors [3]. Many of his articles make unsubstantiated claims 
and clash with those of leading medical and public health organizations. For 
example, he opposes immunization [4] and fluoridation [5], claims that amalgam 
fillings are
toxic [6], and makes many unsubstantiated recommendations for dietary
supplements. Much of his support comes from chiropractors who promote his
newsletter from their Web sites. Two of his books have hit the #2 sales rank on 
Amazon Books shortly after his newsletter plugged them for the first time.



--- On Tue, 10/20/09, SHRIKANT BARVE <> wrote:
> Serious Vaccine Reactions to Now Be
> Called 'Coincidence'? 
> Posted by: Dr. Mercola 
> October 20 2009
> If you or your child are injured from getting a flu swine
> flu shot, you
> are on your own. Congress has shielded the vaccine
> manufacturers and
> any person giving swine flu shots from lawsuits if people
> get hurt.


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