A Clean Chit For Monti Dongor


Reference to the article "Sanatan should be banned if found guilty: Churchill,
on Herald dated 20th Oct'09. We know for sure that, an apple falling on Isaac
Newton head, gave us the laws of gravity. It makes me wonder, what should we
attribute to, the sudden wisdom, that our PWD Minister has acquired,  first it
was the award winning thesis, of the mini tsunami of the coast of Canacona,
being responsible for the cloud burst, and flooding that followed, and now in
all his wisdom, he has given a clean chit to the squatters at "Monti Dongor"
saying that they are all good people and the swords seizure case was nothing but
a ploy to defame the residents of "Monti Dongor", wherein he become the judge
and the jury himself and passed the verdict as not guilty. What a waste of
money, time and effort to investigate and follow court procedures, when our
esteemed Minister is full of knowledge and wisdom. With our politicians singing
paeans of the antisocial and supporting them, that the antisocial aliments feel
secure to carry out their illicit activities without any worry or care, and we
have seen the result on a number of occasions. I am sure this is a ploy by our
PWD Minister to use them, to influence his vote bank on the other side of


It is indeed very sad to see our political maestros from both camps trying to
seek maximum mileage from this most unfortunate incident, both trying to play
the one up game, thus making a mockery of the disaster situation. In most
countries, in case of terror strikes, all oppositions are put aside and they try
to seek the best possible solution to the problem in unity, for the sake of the
nation or the state, but in India and in Goa particular, we think of personal
gains first and if time permits then only of the nation or the state and that
too, with ulterior motives.


Even as the shell shocked Madgaokars, where still dazzed and worried about their
safety, our politicians were seen distributing "goodies" in rickshaw loads to
the squatters at Kharebhand, trying to strengthen their vote bank, one can only
hope that the relief funds for Canacona are not siphoned for vote bank politics.
Helping the poor is a good deed, but how come only the squatters are the
beneficiaries on most occasions, why not the poor backward class people from
rural villages ? 


Are our politicians really and seriously interested in finding solutions to the
problems in Goa ? Or are they happy to maintain status quo, so that whatever
happens, ultimately they are the beneficiaries ? Time to ponder.


Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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