--- On Tue, 10/20/09, marcus dsouza <marcusr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Most of the Christian dominated areas in India including Goa are now 
> being dominated by Hindus due to migration of hindus into these 
> christian areas.
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 12:49:01 -0700 (PDT)
From: Santosh Helekar <chimbel...@yahoo.com>

I am not sure what the author has in mind when he uses the word "dominated". 
Which areas in Goa and rest of India is he referring to? What is the 
significance of his claim in a secular country, if there is a peaceful 
demographic redistribution?

Mario adds:

As the lone voice on Goanet of truth, reason and peace, I am obliged to clarify 
that the only reason Goa "seemed" to be dominated by Christians is because the 
place was invaded and occupied and colonized by Portuguese Christians by force 
for 450 years, until they were kicked out in 1961.

The Christians in Goa were the beneficiaries of Portuguese patronage, and some 
of them were Portuguese lackeys and bootlickers - some to this day as we can 
see from certain posts on Goanet.

As far as I can tell, Christians never exceeded 50% of the population in Goa.

--- On Tue, 10/20/09, marcus dsouza <marcusr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It is also interesting to note that is is mainly the Hindus
> in India who are getting all jobs in the government/public/private 
> sectors. This has resulted in Christians and Muslims demanding 
> reservations.
Mario responds:

It would be interesting if it were true.

This is an inflammatory assertion and clearly false.  Every Christian I know in 
India, including those in Hindu-supremacist-dominated MP have good jobs 
commensurate with their qualifications.

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