Goa Federation of Mines Affected People (GOAMAP) takes strong objection to the 
statement of Goa Chief Minister Digmabar Kamat that he has no time to solve the 
problems created by mining industry in Sirigaon, Bicholim.
Mr. Kamat has been quoted in Forbes Asia magazine of October 5 2009, published 
from New York with regards to water and agriculture problems created due to 
rampant irresponsible mining in Sirigaon. On page 23 in an article titled 
"...Meantime, in Goa" Digambar Kamat was asked when the State might act on the 
court-ordered report, Goa Chief Minister barked "I don't have time for this" 
and slammed down the phone on writer Megha Bahree.
It man be noted that National Environmental Engineering Research Institute 
(NEERI) had submitted the report to the Goa bench of Bombay High Court some 
months ago pointing out how open cast mining has led to the depletion of ground 
water and silting of agriculture in Sirigaon village.
Considering all this evidence it is shocking that Goa Chief Minister has no 
time to pay attention to this very serious problem confronting Sirigaon as well 
as Goa.
GOAMAP urges Goa Chief Minister to make time and on priority basis to solve 
mining generated problems related to water, agriculture, forest, air pollution 
etc in Sirigaon and rest of Goa too. 
Sebastian Rodrigues
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