Well said and well written, Mr Heble! We need more people like U to talk about 
the truth.

This Party and their other unholy siblings Must Perish. They are dirty and 
Evil. I would not talk about M. Parrikar either; he is with the same principles 
and idealogy. A wolf in sheep's clothing. Nothing is good about this man 
either. He is a worse fascist and casteist. Yuck!

I do hope the Indian Masses will realise and soon that these fascists and 
casteists are only taking them for a cheap ride, and tthese inhuman perties 
will abandon the poor, the downtrodden, and all the good non fascit people as 
soon as they take control of the whole Ghaddi. Fascists are Fascits Pigs! has 
been said historically and this will remain so.

So India, "wake up and smell the coffee'!! (borrowing the phrase from and 
credit to Margaret Mascarenhas.)

Nascy Caldeira
Melbourne, Down Under.


--- On Fri, 23/10/09, Sandeep Heble <sandeephe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Subject: [Goanet] Is the BJP losing the Plot?

> The ‘Bhartiya Janata Party’, the
> Nation’s principal opposition Party,
> faced yet another setback after it suffered a miserable
> defeat in all
> the three States that had gone to the Assembly polls
> recently. 
> The writing was clear on the wall during the last
> Parliamentary
> elections when the BJP plummeted to its worst tally since
> its meteoric
> rise about a decade back, but the bigwigs in the Party just
> refused to
> read. 

> While the World is surging ahead at a rapid pace, the BJP
> is still
> caught in its “Hindutva” ideology, an ideology that
> wishes to drag
> India back into the dark ages. Moreover, Hindutva for the
> BJP is
> synonymous with upper caste dominance. Apart from giving
> the backward
> leaders token representations in their party, the BJP has
> done
> virtually nothing to bridge the divide between the upper
> and the lower
> sections of the society. Little wonder then that the
> backwards hardly
> vote for the party.

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