CCP to restore Panaji garden

PANAJI: The Corporation of the City of Panaji (CCP) plans to gift the
city a restored garden by December 8, to coincide with the feast of the
and is taking the help of the Goa Forest Development Corporation (GFDC)
to achieve this. 

Preliminary work, which includes clearing of bushes, to rebuild the
garden was taken up last week and the major work will commence in early

Deputy mayor Yatin Parekh speaking to TOI said, "We wish to give the
people of Panaji the garden whose original glory was lost." 

GFDC will do soft landscaping and set up a facility for sprinkler
irrigation at a cost of Rs 57 lakh and also maintain the garden for a
year, sources said. 

"The landscaping will include gardening, flowering plants and hedges
while lawns will also be laid," sources said. 

A bandstand is proposed to be erected inside the garden for a cultural
interface. A cafetaria and sulabh toilet are also part of the plans. 

Work on the garden has been at a standstill since 2004. Parekh added
that work hadn't been taken up earlier as the CCP was in financial
crisis. That is when the GFDC came in. 

Says CCP consultant and GFDC director Joe D'Souza, "I requested the GFDC
and CCP to come to an agreement which will be signed any day now after
it is cleared by the GFDC chairman." 

Sources said that the MOU has been cleared by Panaji mayor Carolina Po. 

Explaining why the GFDC was brought in, D'Souza said, "GFDC has created
a botanical garden at Selaulim which is world class, so I thought that
the GFDC could do this. Instead of inviting private players, it was
better to get it done within government agencies." 

CCP commissioner Elvis Gomes revealed that the estimated budget for the
garden's restoration is Rs 2.5 crore. 

The plan for the garden is to have a paving through the middle with
landscaping on all four sides. 

Buildings on three sides of the garden block out sunlight for most part
of the day and some trees may have to be pruned or cut to allow the sun
to bathe the garden, but sources could not specify the number. 

"The flowering plants require sunlight or else it will have to be just
lawns and hedges," sources said. 

Various activities like washing of trucks inside the garden would have
to be stopped.



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