Bernadette Gomes' art exhibition 'Maadani - Under the Coconut Palms'

Where: Institute Menezes Braganza, Panaji, Goa

When : October 29 - 31, 2009  -  9am - 7pm

Bernadette describes her paintings thus:

Each of them is a personal experience brought to life. It's the way in which 
folk life has touched mine, shaping me as I grew up.

The paintings capture people's practices; a way of life that's fast 
Like the gathering of dried leaves before the monsoon, to light kitchen fires. 
par-boiling paddy at night. Women bathing at the village stream...

Others peep into little known aspects of Goa's varied peoples. Like the 
Meazghor of 
the pastoral Gouly tribe, a living room-cum-kitchen-cum-store room, made 
entirely of 
woven cane. The men dancing the Powo during Dussehra. Or just taking a break as 
tend the goats.

Fun, frolic and solemnity is portrayed in the Sotryo festival of Cuncolim; the 
walkers at the zatra of Goddess Lairayee at Sirgao; the village church feast...

Frederick Noronha states:

"The details are amazing and, sometimes, like a picture clicked by one of those 
modern, high-res digital cameras, almost better than life!"


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