2009 Global Goan Convention

what the organisers say

In order to promote Goan art, culture and social interaction, and also
to provide an emotional link and platform for all the Goan diaspora to
unite, the Government of Goa has been periodically holding Global Goan
Conventions. These have been held previously in Goa, Portugal and

The Goan Community of Oman (GCO) has been requested to host the 2009
Global Goan Convention. It is being organized under the patronage of
The Hon’ble Commissioner for NRI Affairs, Government of Goa and His
Excellency the Ambassador of India to Oman.

The Convention will be held at the Indian Embassy, Muscat on
Thursday-Friday, 5-6 November 2009, from 9 am to 5 pm. About 250 Goans
from all over the world, and more particularly those residing in GCC
countries, are expected to attend.

The theme of the 2009 Global Goan Convention is dedicated to The Gulf
Goan. Revolving around this theme, there will be presentations on
various topics including Overseas Goan Groups; Employment
Opportunities and Conditions abroad; Preserving and Promoting Goan
Identity and Culture; Family Issues' Education, Communication, Travel,
Housing, Entertainment; Investment Opportunities in Goa and Relocating
back to Goa.

Besides speakers from various Goan groups in the Gulf, the eminent
Speakers those who have agreed to address the Convention include H.E.
Mr. Eduardo Faleiro, The Hon'ble Commissioner for NRI Affairs ;  H.E.
Mr. Anil Wadhwa, The Ambassador of India to Oman ;  Mr. S K Srivastva,
Chief Secretary, Government of Goa ;  Mr. Ulhas Kamat, Director, NRI
Affairs, Government of Goa;  Dr. Satish Nambiar, President, Indian
Social Club; Dr. Oscar Rebello, Physician and Social Activist; Dr.
Prajal Sakhardande, Prof. of History and Heritage, Dhempe College;
Dr. Rajendra Kerkar, Noted Environmentalist; and Adv. S.V. Pikale,
Advocate and Industrialist.

The program for the Convention has been displayed on the GCO website
An Open House for Domestic and Industrial Workers will be held on
Friday, 6th November, from 11 am to 1 pm. This special session will
provide an opportunity to Goan workers to voice their grievances,
concerns and suggestions for follow-up action by the Government of
India, the Indian Missions and the State Government, depending upon
the issues involved. Goans who cannot attend the Convention but wish
to attend this session only should phone 99008931.
As part of this Convention, there will be an exclusive Global Konkani
session on Friday, 6th November, from 2 pm to 4 pm. The following
Konkani experts will expound on the relevance and concerns of Konkani
in today's world:
Mr. Tomazinho Cardoso, former Speaker Goa Legislative Assembly,
President of the Dalgado Konkani Academy, and well known Tiatrist
* Mr. Vincy Quadros, Vice President, Goa Konkani Academy, and
respected Konkani Literary Activist
Mr. Yusuf Abdulla Sheikh, former Station Director, Doordarshan,
Konkani Poet and Lyricist, Freelance Writer and Journalist
Shri. Ashok Chodankar, Editor and Publisher of  ‘Konkonn Divo’
Konkani Periodical and Freelance Writer

This session is open to all Konkani speaking people, including
non-Goans from Mangalore, Mumbai, Karwar and Kerala. Those who have
not registered for the Convention but wish to attend this session
should phone 99338011.

Entrance for the Global Goan Convention, Open House and Konkani
Convention will be strictly on the basis of Invitations, which will be
issued only to those who register/phone no later than 25th October
2009. The discussion sessions are restricted to adults, while children
too are welcome for the cultural program which will be held on Friday,
6th November, from 4.30 pm to 6 pm.

The Convention affords an unique opportunity for all Goans to meet,
interact and celebrate. We therefore hope that Goans in Oman and in
the rest of the Gulf will make it a point to attend this two day

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