Chuk Konnachi - Konkani Tiatro in Toronto - A Review

by Silviano Barbosa

Toronto, Canada

October 24th, 2009


Director Marshal Fernandes came out with flying colours with
a mind-blowing presentation of his terrific Konkani Tiatr, which was held on
October 24th, 2009 at 

Etobicoke’s Michael Power High School Hall in Toronto.


With a sold-out audience of over 550, the hall was packed
with Konkani aficionados savouring this Konkani Tiatro with heavy doses of Goan
Salcete accent and nostalgic moments, and the audience was left with nothing
but pure joy, hangama  and satisfaction witnessing
the beautiful dialogues and comedic delivery of their Konkani language and
culture, which fortunately still thrives in this part of the world.


This is the first time that a Konkani Tiatro in Toronto has seen a full
house. Incidentally director Marshal Fernandes had another Konkani sold-out
show couple years ago. This could be credited to his unique marketing and
organization skills that he puts in place keeping a good rapport with the
actors as well as the prospective audience.


being home to more than 20,000 Goans of which at least more than a 1000 speak
Konkani at home and claim it as their mother-tongue on the recent census, can
very easily deliver 300 hard-core Konkani Goans to attend any Konkani Tiatr.
The rest have to be cajoled into it by other means. But this audience loved
this Tiatr so much that I can predict they are likely to come back the next
time around.


The audience in Toronto
this time was very knowledgeable about their Konkani wordage and grammar and
were heard to correct the Konkani gender suffixes in a couple of instances. The
ticket price of $20 was reasonable and affordable as compared to the 50$ sale
price of professional English plays in the city which have variable ticket
prices ranging from 50$-100$.


The following list of actors and singers (not in any
particular order) gave their best performances to make this Tiatro quite


Dr. Lucina Pinto (Oh Canada! National Anthem translated into
Konkani by Marshal), popular and talented singer/actor JoeVaz, upcoming young 
Rhio Gracias and director/actor/comedian/singer/composer/CD producer Marshal
Fernandes (in an ode to Padma Shri M. Boyer), Rhiza Gracias (fantastic acting
and singing (canto) performance), Agnelo Gracias as Mama in his best first time
comedy performance and as play editor, Marshal as Leitao in his inimitable
simple Lollo comedy role, actor/singer Olympio Fernandes, popular guest-singer
Jack Fernandes, enthusiastic actor/singer Olavio Da Costa, actor/singer/comedian
Tony Da Silva, the impressive personality of character actor/singer Chris
Gomes, the free-spirited Bohemian role of Grace Almeida, the imposing fine role
of father by Bonfilio Pereira, the impressive matriarchal role of Yolanda 
the dedicated and tireless Producer/actress/singer Sandra Menezes with her
beautiful teenage daughter with a minor acting role, singer Stephanie Menezes,
(who sang in a quartet), the sultry and racy performance in comedy by radiant 
Barbosa in her typical Saxtti Assolna accent, the most popular song
“Jinga-Mummy” composed by Marshal and performed with an encore  by the duo team 
of Rhiza Gracias and her petite
sister-in-law Sylda Gracias whose debut 
as an impressive singer on Konkani stage with her dressed-to-kill
wardrobe thoroughly jolted the audience, professional singer Ruth Kumar with
her gyrating dancing personality and powerful voice almost challenging Lorna's,
accomplished beautiful voiced singer Hazel Jacob, actor Benny Pereira and
singer Clema, cross-dresser/singer Auggie Pereira, and all the musicians from
the Band “Crescendo”  - Tony Da Costa,
Tony (Organ), Lawry and Manuel, all helpers on and off the stage, stage
director AC Pereira(with special award), ticket sellers, Sound with Aggie
Rodrigues and of course the prompter Josie Carrasco, complete this merit list.  


As an author, I would be remiss if I did not compliment the unknown
author of the play.

This year the Audience Applause Metre which rated this
Tiatro a '9 out of  10', generated three very
dedicated and committed Stars of the  Show. My special parabens 
(congratulations) are
extended to all the people involved in this play and especially to these  Stars 
of the Show:  Serah Barbosa (as Consu), who was undoubtedly the
darling of the audience as witnessed from the whistles, whispers and comments
from the audience, Agnelo Gracias for his superb delivery of impeccable Konkani
idioms in his slapstick (Mama) comedy and director Marshal Fernandes for his 
and sinister (Leitao) comedy and for putting up a fine overall theatrical 
that will be remembered for years to come.


Finally the audience was just great! I am sure they all went
home fully pleased with this fine performance! An evening well spent with lots
of Goans in a purely Goan ambience in a sussegad sort of way! Thanks all
Tiatrists and helpers for making our 

Pott-bhor hansun jivak borem dislem! Porot melche fuddlea


Silviano Barbosa,


Author of the Canadian/Goan novel, -The Sixth Night -

Producer of Konkani CD album - Classic Goa 


October 24th, 2009, Toronto, Canada!

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