Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2009 07:18:38 +0530
From: Marshall Mendonza <>

Mario, you have completely missed the point in my posting. There is a world
of difference between ' branded a naxalite' and 'being a naxalite'. 

Mario observes:

You are right.  There is a huge difference.  If Jesus would be branded a 
naxalite, obviously that would be false.  Your claim that he would have been is 
cynical and speculative and a straw man that adds nothing logical or factual to 
any rational debate.

If Arun Ferreira, Himanshu Kumar or Dr Binayak Sen have never advocated nor 
condoned violence they are clearly not Naxalites.

Marshall wrote:

Liberation theologians agree with Marx's famous statement: "Hitherto
philosophers have explained the world; our task is to change it." They argue 
that theologians are not meant to be theoreticians but practitioners engaged in 
the struggle to bring about society's transformation. In order to do this 
liberation theology employs a Marxist-style class analysis, which divides the 
culture between oppressors and oppressed.

They do not claim to use Marxism as a philosophical world view or
a comprehensive plan for political action. Human liberation may begin with
the economic infrastructure, but it does not end there.

Mario responds:

In spite of all its pious sophistries - and yours - Marxism did more damage to 
average individuals and entire societies than any other recent social or 
political ideology.  There was no rational reason for any Christians to 
associate themselves with a philosophy synonymous with unspeakable evil rather 
than achieving any good, except for a small number of ruling elites.  Christian 
philosophies were more than enough to deal with the problems in South America, 
had they been consistently applied.

Marshall wrote:

All I can say is you and many other NRI?s are out of touch with reality
regarding issues back home. Social unrest is the biggest challenge facing
the Indian state today. More that Communalism. There is degradation of the
environment due to mining and indiscriminate construction. People are being
displaced from their homes due to acquisition of land for SEZ?s, MNC?s and
big industrialists.  People are being displaced because of developmental
projects like dams, construction of expressways, etc. There are no
rehabilitation schemes in place.

Mario responds:

It seems like it is you who is out of touch with reality - namely, that all 
this may be true but it is the fault of Indian citizens who allowed it to 
happen by misusing their common sense and voting and re-voting for incompetent 
and corrupt people.


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