State-run All India Radio FM was playing this marching-song to Goan
chauvinism this afternoon just before 2 pm. I wonder if anyone cares about
the content about the music being played on the citizen-funded radio

It would be interesting for someone more qualified to undertake a more
detailed analysis of the lyrics of this song, but some of the lines I caught
had these lines blasting "ghanttis" for the rise in rapes and murders in
Goa. One wonders where free speech ends and hate speech begins!

There was also ire directed against the Goa Medical College for offering
succour to patients for beyond State borders; don't we from Goa keep
visiting the Manipals, the KLESs, Narayan Hrudalays, and other out-of-state
hospitals? It is a myth to believe that the GMC is "free" in today's
patient-pays-almost-everything days, compounded by regional chauvinism.
Isn't it a fact that even to claim a knee implant at the GMC one has to show
years of "domicile" in Goa?

In a state known for its large out-migration, such simplistic arguments
could hit out at the so called "sons of the soil" themselves.

It is easy to understand the sense of disempowerment that the Indian citizen
feels, specially in the context of a shrinking economic pie, growing
aspirations and always-wanting-moreism.

But what is the approach we take?

In Goa, in particular, the political and social debate in recent years has
tended to scapegoat the migrant for a whole set of problems we face --
corruption, the poorly maintained civic infrastructure, changing demography,
growing economic competition, conversions of our fields, decline in our
agriculture, the loss of the "good old Goa", changing power equations within
society, the collapse of the old semi-feudal order, communalism, terrorism,
communal-riots, mining and tourism's impacts on the locals, illegal mosques,
Sanatan bigotry and much more.

There is lot the citizen in today's Goa has reason to feel angry for. There
are also persistent attempts to scapegoat migrants for all our ills, to
dismiss them as ghantis, and to raise an alert that we are heading to the
slummification and Bombayfication of Goa.

This all is fine. My problem is that such an analysis is simplistic, and
moves away from the root cause of the problem, the divisions within Goan
society, the urge to migrate out of Goa in large numbers, and uncontrolled
business and other lobbies (almost always, locally linked) calling the shots
and deciding everything in today's Goa.

At another level, if Goans want the benefits of growth, they have to pay the
price too. If they want better paying jobs and expect someone else to do the
'shit work', then the necessary consequences follow. Above all, if they are
not willing to question their politicians and bureaucrats (and this is not
just an issue of ethnicity here either) who take anti-people, pro-profit
decisions all the time, then blaming the "Ghantis" is going to get us

To warn about the Bombayfication of Goa is fine, but what about the many
Goans who gained -- big time -- out of th eBombayficiation of Bombay?

Likewise, while we would like to believe that we are the only persecuted
minority around (I'm not using this term in a religious sense), the fact is
that almost every other Indian state feels the same.

Maharashtra has been shouting since the 1960s, never mind that the Congress
leaders at times themselves built up the Shiv Sena to fight the unions.
Karnataka has its own form of regionalism, now blending into communalism and
Mangalore-type anti-pub-ism. The Tamils hate the imposition of Hindi from
the North. Isn't the North East, Assam, Kashmir all up in arms against the
'outsider' (however these are defined)? In Orissa, the grab of local
resources by Vedantas and others is resulting in and fuelling another
insider-outsider clash, though it's probably just easier to blame everything
on the "Naxalites".

Time we looked deeper at the issues involved. FN
Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism
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