Date: Sun, 1 Nov 2009 00:45:12 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Rajan P. Parrikar" <>

Speaking at a public meeting in Madurai, the Home Minister said if
Pakistan tries to send terrorists into India again, India would give a
crushing response.

"I've been warning Pakistan every time, to not play with us again 
and to stop with the Mumbai game. I'm warning Pakistan for the 
last time. If Pakistan attempts to send terrorists into India again, 
India will not only foil those attempts but also give them a crushing 
response," said Chidambaram.

Mario observes:

After tens of thousands of innocent Indians have been killed by jihadis since 
Independance, a few dozen to a few hundred at a time, the Indian government has 
finally had it, here seen threatening Pakistan with yet another "crushing" 
tongue lashing.

The best we can realistically hope for in India is a quick response by security 
forces once an attack has begun.

I hope India has finally set up S.W.A.T. teams in every major city and 
dispersed the Black Cat commandos to bases around the country, and have 
provided all these specialized response units with properly fitting 
bullet-proof vests and helmets, powerful assault weapons and stun guns, night 
vision equipment, communications jamming equipment, body heat detecting 
equipment and other devices that behoove a country that prides itself on 
providing the world with superior technological brains.  Also, I hope they will 
provide the personnel with adequate training to use all these resources 

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