Reply to Topic one - To Mervyn

Dear Mervyn,

If tourist happen to visit your house early morning and somehow you welcome him 
get inn.  As you goes to wash your face and mean time this tourist starts 
your house around which is not tidy.  What would be your reaction towards this 
TOURIST?  You would abuse him because you don't know him and asking him to 
from media tape what he captured.

Probably this priest asked you donation so that he could keep the church clean 
shine for the next person to shoot.

We(catholic?) are very wise to make others hear us because we go to 
church(start of 
mass push in and while finishing push out) no opportunity to speak but only 
from priest.  If we would speak to God in His temple would not speak to others 
outside till revealing our nakedness.

Lets remove the log in own self eye instead of searching dust particle in 

KEEPER OF THE FAITH? - it shows you are selfish.  Faith on us was passed by our 
ancestors and you are asked to pass it on and not to keep it.  who is a priest? 
he not somebody's brother or son?  Is brother or son not tend to fall in sin? 
(Prodigal Son)


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