Albert writes:- If you are suffering from arthritis and life becomes painful 
here is what you can do. Take little methi, ovum,and black jeera and fry it on 
a tawa and powder all them  finely,. Take around half teaspoonful of the powder 
early in the morning before breakfast push it in your mouth and drink water. If 
you get well don't forget to pay me fees. Pressure problem:- find out the cause 
of the problem. If it is tension then read the bible. but if still have 
problems take some pods of garlic, smash the same in a cloth and tie the same 
around your neck or pin it inside .Remain at home for some days as you need 
rest or people will not like the smell.Flue:- Smash onions and pour the juice 
on head and body before going to sleep and stay indoors or else people will not 
like to be near you. or you may take a piece of ginger and smash it nicely put 
it in four glass of water and along with tulsi leaves boil it. Drink the whole 
day.When your child falls down and has cut on his skin do not panic. Take pure 
tumeric powder (prepared by powdering tumeric sticks) and forget about it. If 
bleeding still continues continue putting tumeric powder.People simple imagine 
things and give children tetanus injection. One does not get tetunus just like 
that but never inject live germ in healthy body it is dangerous. Be your own 
doctor. To get rid of mosquitoes, burn coconut outer fibre shell (sonna ) do 
not worry it will not kill you. Please avoid mosquitto coil or good night coil. 
My friend used to use it .Result he died of lung cancer.                        
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