Hi Selma,

Thank you for reading my post and an additional thanks for responding to it.  
From your response, it appears that you did not read Teo's article and had a 
passing glance at my post.  Or else, we could have a more expanded dialog, to 
build on the issues being  reviewed.

If you read Teo's article, you would know that the dynamics of the period was 
described by Teo as a preamble to the details of Fr. Constantino's inquisition. 
The words in quotes are from Teo's writing. If you read my article carefully, 
rather than a rush to respond, I said so clearly in my post. "With Teo's 
well-described 'background perspective'..."

What Teo wrote could be a learning lesson to all of us - to look at the facts 
on the ground in the context of the surrounding / associated events.  

There are better things we could do than shoot from the hip.  We all make 
mistakes.  Please do not reply with, "Who is the WE?":=)) 

BTW, I am sure you know, in  America "piling-on" is also called (more 
dramatically) as "throwing in the kitchen sink".  Do you know an appropriate 
Konkani phrase for the same? I can insert the phrase the next time I write on 
this subject - of course giving you the credit for the phrase.

Regards, GL

---------------- Carvalho wrote:

Dear Gilbert, you seem to have a problem with anyone writing about Goa from a 
historical perspective. Be that as it may, how are you able to "look at the Goa 
Inquisition and analyzes its dynamics" when so little has been written and 
researched about it? Do you have a secret stash of archived documents hidden in 
your cellar that you have been "looking at and analyzing" all these years 
unbeknownest to the rest of the world? 

----------- Gilbert Lawrence wrote:

Teo's article in the Herald reinforces what is apparent to anyone who looks at 
the Goa Inquisition and analyzes its dynamics. 

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