They say, whether elphants fight or make love, the grass beneath gets
trampled. Goans were like the grass, I think, trying to make the best
deal of whichever side of a global conflict (they probably didn't
understand) they got caught on.

In Yvonne Vaz-Ezdani's book, most of the contributors actually
returned from Burma to British India or Portuguese Goa after the
Japanese invasion of that country in 1941-2. But a handful actually
stayed on, and write about their experiences and building bridges with
the Japanese!

Interestingly, there were Goans studying ophthalmology and other
sciences (mainly) in the Berlin of the 1920s! I think Dr Gama Pinto is
one such example.

I do not believe World War II was "our" war, despite all the rhetoric
about the "fight against Nazism" and what not. It still seems to me to
be a ruthless scramble for colonies between a Britain that had an
unfair share at that time and a Germany that felt badly left out
(despite its technological and scientific prowess). And a violent
struggle for economic clout in a changing world. -- FN

2009/11/12 Michael Ali <>:
> Dear FN,
> A very good question.....I too am now wondering if any Goans did fight for
> the Axis powers. Would someone enlighten us.

Frederick Noronha :: +91-832-2409490
Writing, editing, alt.publishing, photography, journalism

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