The bust was brought down at night without any public knowledge in the early 
seventies. As usual gullible Goans raised no voice. It could be that Sinari was 
involved. Surely it had the hand of the Bandodcar government.
From what I can gather, it was Prabhkar Sinari et al who, in the middle of the 
night, brought down the bust circa 1963.?Please correct me if I'm wrong.?

As to "limited recreation", perhaps the author of that article did not like a 
more sedate evening after the relatively hard day's work :-)? Shouts of 
"Diar-Noich" (Diario da Noite was the evening paper), "Sort Sort - falean 
abertur", and sometimes "Yea sonsarant sogleank kui!"... mingled with the 
crows' chorus among the trees when the band wasn't in attendance ... Ah! those 
were the days!?

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