Dear Mario,

You have cited the below website, but unfortunately this is stale news
(2007).  C'mon,  there will be some other recent news, since his wife
has become Secretary of State and Clinton finances and sources may
have been disclosed.

Also, the above website says that most of the finance is raised from
France, other Government and International agencies.  In fact, I see
Clinton as a net earner of foreign exchange, because he collects money
from outside and gives business to American drug manufacturers...quite
American of him. If he had given the business to China or India, the
cost may have been much lower.

And about George W.Bush, while he was in power, he did not like
Canadians much.  But sadly, after his term, the only country he has
visited is Canada, that too twice and both his visits were marred by
demonstrations and lot of heckling.  He helped liberate Iraq, though
WMD were not found (I think Saddam must have consumed the whole lot of
drums), brought in Al Qaeda (that was not there and Saddam was not an
Islamist), initiated hatred between Sunni and Shia sects, made Iran
much more confident now as Iraq is governed by Shia sect. and
christians are fleeing.  I wonder how come George W.Bush has not even
visited the UK to pay a visit to his buddy, Blair??? Any thoughts on

Please quote from recent news, not stale ones.


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