Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 07:22:16 -0800 (PST)
From: Victor Rangel-Ribeiro <>

The British raid on one of the ships in the Zuari took place on March 9, 1943, 
and not at the beginning of the war, as Selma stated (the war began in 1939). 
So the masts of the sunken ships you saw in 1947 were indeed the masts of those 
ships. But only one, the Ehrenfels, had been attacked by the British raiders; 
the others were scuttled by their own crews out of fear that they too were 
about to be attacked.

Mario asks:

Victor and/or Vivian,

What happened to the ships that were sunk or scuttled in Goa?  Are the hulks 
still underwater in Mormugoa Bay and the Zuari River?

BTW, I found this shifting thread fascinating:

a) it all started as a tribute to Goan Veterans of WW-II,

b) it then morphed into a failed attempt to rewrite history to excuse the Nazis 
and impugn the Brits,

c) one imaginative Goanetter attempted to blame a French demand for reparations 
after WW-I for "chastening" the Germans resulting in the rise of the Nazis and 
therefore blamed the French for WW-II.

If he had gone back a step he should have blamed whoever started WW-I for WW-II 
because without WW-I there would have been no demand for reparations by the 

d) the Jews were described as a Nazi "scapegoat" and the genocide an attempt to 
whip up the Germans.

Hmmm!  Perhaps whoever started WW-I should be blamed for the conflict in the 
middle-east, because without them the French would not have demanded the 
reparations that chastened the Germans and caused the Nazis to rise, without 
the Nazis we would not have had the Holocaust, without the Holocaust there 
would have been no Israel, etc. etc. etc.

Saiba boggus!  Oh, what a tangled web we can weave:-))

e) apparently we had peace after WW-II because the "world" rebuilt Europe 
instead of chastening them by demanding reparations.  I didn't know the world 
contributed much if anything to the Marshall Plan.  Maybe they did.

Memo: Wasn't it nuclear weapons and MAD that kept the peace after WW-II?  Maybe 

f) then the discussion shifted to German's taking refuge in Goan waterways.

g) now I want to know what happened to the sunken German ships in Goa:-))

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