Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 13:25:55 -0500
From: Venantius J Pinto <>

WBAI Board Candidate Sings for a Revolution
Arun Aguiar is a Goan.

HIs father was Prof. Aguiar (Vice Principal, and Professor of English, Logic, 
Philosophy, Latin).  He was also Knight Commander of Order of
St Gregory, and President of the Catholic Association of Bombay. Arun's mother 
was Prof. Yvette Coelho (Head of Dept. of French) at St. Xaviers. Mumbai.

Mario observes:

Very sad to see Arun, scion of an accomplished Goan family, confusing Gandhiji 
with Lenin.

Gahndhiji's ideas led to a peaceful and successful non-violent revolution 
against the mightiest colonial superpower of its era.

Lenin's ideas led to the most evil and violently blood thirsty political 
systems ever devised by man to control and oppress their fellow man, which all 
eventually imploded under its internal absurdities and inconsistencies and 
failure to understand the unquenchable desire of individual human beings for 
freedom and independence. 

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