[1]  re: Is it OK (by the Church) to kill the BORN by way of the Death
Penalty or by waging unprovoked wars?

Mario responded :  to compare the Death Penalty with abortions is a
specious red herring. ...... The legal theory is to protect the lives
of others and to deter others from committing similar crimes.

COMMENT: Nonsense. The killing of the born is no different from the
killing of the unborn except in one facet. (In the US), the unborn has
NO legal rights.


[2] re:   Is it OK to bomb innocent civilians?  Has the Church (except
Pope John Paul II) raised any voice against this?

Mario responded: No, it is not OK to deliberately target innocent civilians.

COMMENT: So did the Church publicly deny Communion to those who
carried out the bombing of innocent civilians AND those who publicly
supported the people who organised the bombing of innocent civilians?
I expect individuals like Mario to come up and say that (a) It was OK
to bomb and kill millions of innocent  Hiroshimians and Nagasakis -
because it saved others (b) It was OK to bomb innocent civilians in
Iraq - because Sadman would have killed them anyway. etc etc etc

The Church is either pro-Life or it is not. Full Stop.

[3] re: Has the Church publicly denied communion to those in the
Church hierarchy who have abused and condoned abuse of innocent

Mario responded: The Church has no grounds for denying communion to
anyone who has shown remorse and repented for their sins, however

COMMENT: Some of these criminal abusers molested for years. Did the
Church not know? Did some bishop make a public statement  that
communion would be denied to abusers? Were some of these chaps not
merely transferred to another parish?

What nonsense is this?

In closing, I will say this: I am a Roman Catholic and very happy to
be one. These US Catholic bishops who point fingers at others without
first having cleaned up their own house ....disgust me. It has not
been an uncommon experience for me to hear a homily (sermao) openly
advocating parishioners to vote against a Dem candidate because of his
support for a woman's right to determine whether she will continue her

This is more than religious double-standard. This is interference in
the affairs of the State. I suggest that there is a special reason why
the Church and State are separated. The Church must stay out of such
blatant involvement in partisan politics.


For further reading ....the on-going spillage of beans presently
underway in the UK



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