Ignorance is no excuse. Each religion has rules and regulations. If a
person does not abide by them, they
are answeravle to God.  The Catholic church can not monitor actions of
each of it's priests.  But preiest are
clearly told what is expected of them.  Similar activities
are going on in other churches as well (even married clergy
sometimes can be bisexual!!).  But Catholic Church is there for every
one to point out.

Similarly Hinduism has iuts own dogmas, they how come Bajrangdal, Ram
Sene harrasssment of minorities is tolerated and even encouraged by
High caste Hindu Brahmans?


Vasant Baliga? wrote:
The issue is not that of belief or atheism or prosecution or
conviction-it is the facts and how?a religious
authority?deals with the facts,when gross?transgressions are known to
it.The same authority that seeks
to deny pro choice protagonists,their holy communion was some how
silent and aquiesced in condoning?
serial sex abusers of children,the right to receive and give
communion.And protagonists of the Death
Penalty in the US?are also ignored in terms of communion restrictions.
The Boston Archdiocese is a prime example in the US.They sought to
deny the Kennedy's communion,
while ignoring the transgressions of Cardinal Law and several
priests?in terms of? child abuse, until the law
forced their hand, and?the same Cardinal Law?now sits in the Vatican
in a senior position.
Contemporary Religion is interpretation of holy scriptures?by
flawed?humans-and therein lies the?problem in every religion.

It took you only a few words to expose the hypocrisy,
Congrats. Your views?are exactly?the same as?mine.

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