Dear Jose,

In your long list of enumeration of classic flaws, you have left out the recent one that of our GMC docs having found out that the recent death in GMC attributed to rabies came about after 25 years of a dog bite. I don't want to comment on the efficacy of this finding but what stikes me as stupidity is that the patient was diagnosed as psychiatric when all manifestations were of rabies.

One sure way would be to ask Magic Johnson if he drinks Virgin Coconut Oil.
And yes, the world of pharmaceutical companies do conduct potent research to come out with remedies for the most common ills. But they ignore cheap natural God given remedies because they are cheaply available and one cannot make money over it. And if money cannot be made, then the BIG pharmas cannot exist.

Dr. Johanna Budwig has been nominated 7 times for the Nobel Prize for effective simple remedy to treat cancer with flaxseed oil and cottage cheese combination. But she has failed to get the prize. The world would go bust if she got the Nobel Prize, in'it?? And everyone would run around to get hold of a pound of flaxseed from the market, what is commonly called 'sondmia'm' in Konkani which is rich in much sought after Omega 3 oil.

If Saudi Arabia (if I am not mistaken) had not bought the inventor of the first electric car for millions of dollars and shelved the invention, its economy which is based on oil would go bust. Its nothing but money after all.

Cecil Pinto prefers to joke about Aloe Vera. Actually his mania is against MLMs. Instead he should ask his grandmother ( if she is still living) what home remedy she used to treat wounds going septic without going to expensive doctors and opting for expensive medicines.

Today, the Japanese have come out with water ionizers which were unheard of some couple of years ago. Our natural water resources are going acidic day by day thro god knows what pollution. And the human body is supposed to be safe from most viruses if it remains alkaline (PH- 8-9). I believe someone is selling imported water ionizers in Margao for Rs. 30,000/ a piece or so. However, I have made one at home which has cost me Rs. 750/-, the costliest part of which is the battery eliminator supplying 12V DC output. I am uploading the picture of my home made water ionizer for you. And I have a water ionizer stick imported from Japan which has cost me Rs. 1500/- but the actual price is US$75/- a piece. It gives pure alkanie water (PH-8) - one litre in two hours.

I have been diagonosed to have a totally clogged cardio-vascular system not recommended for by-pass surgery. I am supposed to take Ecosprin and Acorex for life. But these drugs only thin the blood so it can flow easily but in the meantime escalates the levels of homocystein (amino acid) in the blood which thickens the blood and makes it succeptible to clotting. I had a virtual cardiac arrest but I survived. I don't take ecosprin and acorex any more but eat raw spinach dipped in Virgin Coconut oil ( 30 leaves of vauchi baaji) every morning where the vauchi baaji comes from my kitchen garden. It supplies my quota of folic acid/per day intake which neutralises/brings down the blood homocysteine. Unfortunately, no doctor in Goa prescribes homocysteine test and one has to send blood samples to Mumbai for this test which cost Rs. 800/- . If at all younsters of under 40 (especially corporates) fall down and die of heart attacks today, it is because of high levels of homocysteine in the blood, permissible being 9-12 microgram or micromole/decilitre or something. I was 23.5 and therefore a sure case of ...........

And the Japanese have found out that 4 x 160 ml glasses of water taken first thing in the morning before brushing up, gets rid of most ills like diabetes, arthritis etc, even heart attacks.

I shall conclude my tirade to say that God has given mankind the cheapest and the most effective medicine. PURE WATER. And we despise it enough to goad ourselves with cocacolas and fantas every oppotunity we get which are totally and hopelessly ACIDIC.


----- Original Message ----- From: "J. Colaco < jc>" <>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" <>
Sent: Friday, December 04, 2009 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Virgin coconut oil...

[1]  floriano <> wrote:

VCO is a miracle as it is saturated with LAURIC ACID which is the
number one immune booster of the human body. You will not believe it
but it seems Magic Johnson ( the US star Basket Ball Player) is cured
of HIV simply by drinking VCO

[2]  Frederick Noronha chipped in with this:

Floriano, how dare you make such unScientific statements on Scientific-Goan-et :



My dear Floriano,

One of your many positive attributes is that you are Floriano Lobo,
and not a part of the 'patracar' crew which provided us with bondollam

a: Several hundred years after Slavery was abolished, the Portuguese
practised slavery in Goa

b: The 1980s Portuguese built bridge in Daman ...collapsed

c: The word 'Goanese' was not used in a derogatory fashion

d: Gated communities do not need gates

e: Bernado Colaco is the same as Jose Colaco

f: Malaika is a Konkani song etc etc

Bondollam ...which they refuse to correct the record on.

So, Florianobab, when you speak ...many reasonable people (I believe)
take your words to be accurate.

This HIV stuff is serious. It suffers seriously from misinformation
and prejudice. Many individuals get their information from
non-scientific sources.....and they tend to believe the information.

I do not know IF Virgin Coconut Oil has anti-HIV properties or not.
Once the oil is properly tested and the effect proven, I will believe
it. Until that time, I will restrict myself to what is clinically

I regret to inform you that there are inaccuracies in your statement
(above)  (I will ignore FN's puerile attempt at flame-baiting.)

For the record, Magic Johnson has been working with Glaxo (the makers
of Trizivir), and Abbot (the makers of Kaletra) and the AIDS
foundation to raise HIV awareness among African Americans. He has
publicly announced that he is on a HIV drug cocktail.

I'd like to add that Indian manufactured drugs are playing a huge role
in the Bill Clinton Foundation's fight against HIV in some of the
poorest countries in the world eg Haiti.

I believe that my learned colleague (Santosh Helekar) has tried on
numerous occasions to counteract the bogus "information" that is
consistently being posted on GoaNet.

Why some patracar would take a pot shot at that effort, beats me

  • ... Frederick Noronha
    • ... floriano
      • ... Ivo da C.Souza
      • ... J. Colaco < jc>
        • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक न ोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
          • ... floriano
            • ... Frederick Noronha
        • ... floriano
        • ... J. Colaco < jc>
          • ... floriano
            • ... Mervyn Lobo
            • ... Santosh Helekar
            • ... J. Colaco < jc>
      • ... Santosh Helekar
    • ... Cecil Pinto
      • ... floriano
        • ... Frederick Noronha

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